19. i'm there for you

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Peters Pov.:

The last few days and weeks were hard for me. I wanted to hug her again and kiss her and just tell her that i'm there for her. But all said that i should let her alone. So i did before it get worst.

"So slowly she gets better." Tony said with a smile after she went in her room.

"Peter i think you can try to get to her again." Wanda looked at him. "She loved being around you but we couldn't let you to her. Not that you would get hurt."

"Maybe she needed all the time a hug or a kiss from him ?" Bucky said.

Tony's eyes widened and choked.

"Tony you now that they like each other." Bucky looked at Tony and then to him.

"Please Mr. Stark. You know i would do everything for your daughter. If she don't want i let her." he said.

"Okay but you know. When you hurt her than your our." Tony said and he nodded.

I went up in my room. To get a hoodie for her. I was scared. What if she didn't talked to me because she doesn't want me anymore. No. Don't think that Peter. Go to her and everything that is going to happen will happen.

I knocked on her door.

Y/N Pov.:

I cried until i heard a knock on my door. I thought it would be dad or Wanda.

"It's open." i said with sad voice.

Then Peter went in and i looked away. I couldn't look in his eyes. "Sorry Peter."

"I know i wasn't there for you the last time but i couldn't. The others said that i shouldn't so i didn't." he closed the door.

"That was clever. I don't want to hurt you so maybe you should go." tears left down my face.

"They said it's okay. I don't think you will hurt me." he sat down on my bed. "We can also just talk without looking at each other." he gave me his hoodie. "So how do you feel ?"

"I don't know. I doesn't want to kill him but i did. I trying to forget it but i think i can't do it. I think i just need to live with it." i cried in my hands.

"Hey Y/N. I know it's hard but i don't know how it feels. The only thing i know is that i want to be there for you." he also cried. I heard it in his voice. "The time was hard also for me. I couldn't see you crying. Not going to hug you was the hardest thing to do."

I stood up and sat down next to him. I felt in his warm arm and he hugged me deep. "I'm so sorry Peter. I couldn't do it. I didn't want to hurt you."

Peter kissed my head. "Don't say anything. Just get in comfy clothes and we cuddle the rest of the night and talk if you want."

I nodded and got in sweatpants and Peters hoodie. Then i laid down in my bed next to him and he pulled me deep in his arms.

"I missed you honey." he said.

"I missed you too Parker." i said.

We talked about what happened on the roof of the building. Then i got a panic attack.

"Hey hey hey. Stop. Calm down everything is alright." he wanted to get me in his arms again but i stood up and went out of my bed.

"No Peter no. Get out of this room i don't know if my powers control me in a second." he stared to cry more.

"No i don't go away. I stay with you." he tried to hug me.

"No Peter no-" i said and wanted to push him away but he tried more and more until i was in his arm.

"I don't care if you hurt me but i know you don't." he said.

I cried down on his chest. I felt safe and i felt that i could control my powers again.

"Thank you Peter." i said still with tears.

"Hey look at me." he put my head in his hands so that i looked at him. "I will always help you. I will never leave your side. Okay ?" i nodded.

He slowly came closer. Our lips met and i felt so good again.

"Why are you so perfect ?" i smiled at him.

"I'm not. I just try to make you happy again. I just want the happy girl back again." he smiled.

"I like you Peter. Never leave me alone and i'm sorry i left you the last days." i said.

"You can't leave me. You will always be by my side. I like you too little Stark." he said.

He kissed me again and i loved it. "You know that i hate it when someone call me little Stark." i laughed.

"I know that's why i did it." he laughed.

We laid down on my bed again and cuddled again.

"Peter ?" i asked.

"What Y/N ?"

"Could we maybe not cuddle ?" i said.

"Oh yeah i'm sorry i di-" he started.

"No no Peter. I like to cuddle with you but i can't right now. When we cuddle and don't talk then i think about Chef again and all these things. I don't want to think about them."

"Oh yeah i understand. What do you want to do then ?" he asked me.

"You know what ? We never played Mario Kart before." i laughed. "That is my favorite game."

"I like that game too. But i don't want to hurt you when i win." we both laughed.

"You can't hurt me. Because you will never win."

"Let's see." i want to the tv and got us the controllers.

"Oh see you lost." i laughed. He won 2 times and i won 4 times.

"Oh you cheated. I don't know how but you did." he smiled.

"No i didn't but we can talk about that tomorrow. It's late and we need to sleep." i said.

We laid down and cuddled. "I'm a far away-" be started.

"What are you doing." i smiled.

"You said if we don't talk you would think about all the bad things that happened. So i tell you a story that you can think about." he said.

"That's so cute Parker." and you went deeper in his arms.

Starks daughter ; Peter Parker x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now