11. 8 pm

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"Peter will you come with-" my dad stated when he came i Peters room.

"What are you doing here. Hands away from my daughter." he screamed at us and his eyes widened as he saw my shoulder. "What the hell happened to your shoulder honey?"

"It's not what it look like. I just go shot from the bird guy and Peter helped me with my shoulder and that's it." i said and looked at Peter who just nodded.

"The bird guy ? What did he want from you ? Is your shoulder bad? I can call Ban-" he stared to panicked.

"Dad dad , it's okay I'm finde Peter did a great job and saved me kinda way. He said he want his powers back and we fought a little bit." i hugged my dad.

"Okay we talk about that tomorrow. You two are not going to go to school. I don't know how long but not tomorrow. And thanks Peter that you saved my little daughter." he kissed my head.

"Anytime again sir." he smiled at me.

"Okay see you guys later for dinner." He went out of his room.

"Everything okay ?" Peter asked me.

"Yeah it's just." i stated. " Uhm nothing."

"Come on tell me." he said and took my hand again.

"Uhm no it was nothing bad. But where is the shy Peter?" i smiled at him.

"I don't know. Sometimes he is gone when a special person is around him i think." he said and we laughed.

___Next day___

"Hey sweetheart. Everything is okay." mom said to me.

I was sweating and got out of my bad dream. I thought Black Bird was her.

"Wait wait honey it's me." she said.

"Oh sorry mom." i apologized. "I dreamed bad."

"It's okay. I thought you want to breakfast on your own because your dad told me everything." she kissed my head and went out of my room.

I went straight to the mirror to see how my shoulder looked.

"Doesn't look so bad." Peter smiled as he came in my room.

"Parker don't do that quiet next time i thought you were the bird guy." i said and hit his chest.

"Sorry are you okay." he asked.

"Yeah it's okay. I just dreamed bad." i said.

"Oh okay." he came to me and took my hand again. "I wanted to ask if we want to do something together. We have free and that not happens often."

"Peter Parker are you asking me for a date. " i laughed.

"It seems like that. But only if you want if not than it's ok-" is started.

"Peter stop. I would love to go on a date with you but not today. I don't feel so well today. Maybe tomorrow but if you want we can watch a film together and eat breakfast?" i asked him.

"Oh yeah that's better i think. " he smiled at me and we sat down on my bed.

"Can we watch Modern Family?" i asked and made my bread.

"Of course i love this show." he said and smiled.

After an hour we finished our breakfast and talk and watched TV together. I don't know how that happened but my head landed again on his chest with his arms around me.

After Peter went to the gym i wanted to take a shower to calm down. The hot water on my shoulder burned but not enough to get me out.

I put my clothes back on and wanted to went out again because it was already 7.47 pm. I didn't wanted that anyone saw me so i walked slow and quietly to the lift.

I walked down the streets until i was at the railway station and waited for the Bird man.

"Hello Y/N" a man asked me.

"I'm sorry i'm not Y/N." i lied.

"Stop lying at me it's me the Black Bird." he said sat down next to me. "I really just want to talk. I didn't mean to hurt you but if you don't do what i want than we fight again. So please listen to me."

"What do you want?" and i stared to panic a little bit.

"So i just want to tell you what i mean with that you stole my powers." i stared.

My panic disappeared a little bit because he doesn't even screamed at me he just wanted to have a normal talk to me.

"So i was in the Hydra Labor and we wanted to do a new Wonder Person. A new Weapon. That time i mixed Scarlet Witch's and Captain America's DNA together and found a way to get both powers in one serum. It was planed that i'm the first one that get it. But then you came." he stared.

I looked confused at him "How do you mean i came ?"

"My Hydra Boss had stolen you from your parents. I don't know how but he did. They decided to get you the serum because you had the smartest parents in earth and it would be clear that you are smart to. They said that you have a whole life to train your powers so like you were born with that and that i could be to old. So they gave you the serum. The new super weapon from Hydra. Then your dad found you again and destroyed all of the labor things so i couldn't even rebuild it. And oh what i wanted to ask you, do you still have the words in your head ?"

I felt sorry for him even if he was Hydra. "I'm sorry for you that your dream didn't come true to have powers but want do you want now from me. And what words ?" i asked him.

"You don't remember the words ? Ahh forget it. I want you to come with me so i can rebuild my serum and give it to my self." he said.

"Are you dumb ? I would never go with you."i said to him a little bit loud.

"Please you just need to come with me. I only need to take some blood test and a some else." he said.

"No never would i do that." i stared to stand up and wanted to walk away but he hold my under arm so i couldn't go.

"You come with me if you want or not!" he screamed at me. I kicked him so that i had a chance to ran away.

He went from the nice Chef Long to the Black Bird. We stared to fight again but than i flew up and i know i couldn't fight in the air.

I flew up and wanted to destroy his wings. But i couldn't soft flying so i crashed with my head trough his wings. He fell down and i felt blood coming out of my skin. I didn't care and ran back home.

It was late so i know i need to be quiet that i wake nobody up and went to my room.
I looked in the mirror and saw a big cut on my cheek. But i went to bed because i was to tired.

Starks daughter ; Peter Parker x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now