12. the date

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I woke up next morning as i heard a knock on my door. "Can i come in honey ?"

"Who is there." i said with sleepy voice.

"Dad." he said.

My eyes widened as i remember that he could see my face. I ran to my bathroom and went to the mirror.

"It's open but i'm on the toilet right now." but i tried to cover my cut as good as possible up with make-up. Then i went out of the bathroom. "What do you want Dad."

"Nothing sweetheart i just wanted to ask you if you maybe want to play a game with me and the others?" he asked.

"I'm sorry dad but i asked Peter if he could guide me a little bit through Queens. So that i don't get lost someday." i laughed.

"Oh okay. That's a good idea. Or is this a date?" he looked at me.

I stared to panic again. "Okay that listen to me. I want to be honest with you. I like Peter and he likes me so it is a kind of a date. But i promise you i don't get a baby tomorrow."

"You know that i don't like when to people that worked together date each other. But to be true i can't say anything against it because i dated your mom. But if he hurt you or he touches you or you two make out that i promise you that you will never see him again. Okay?" he said and i nodded at him and hugged him.

"Thank you Dad. I love you." i said.

"I love you too Y/N." he said.

After that i changed my outfit and went down to the others playing.

"Who is winning." i smiled.

"It seems like Vision but you know sometimes he cheats a little bit." Sam said and all laughed.

"Are you ready to get guide around?" i heard Peter saying.

"Ready when you are Parker." i said and everyone was staring at us.

"Are you two in love or am i dumb." Bucks asked.

"I think the second one Buck." i laughed and grabbed Peters hand and we went out of the building.

"So where do you want to go ?" he asked me.

"I don't know but i would love if we go in a park." i said.

"You really like parks or am i wrong." he smiled at me.

"No Parker you're completely right." i said back.

So we stared to walk trough a beautiful flower park and sat down on a bench.

"So Parker tell me something about you." i started.

"What do you mean ?" he asked.

" I don't know. Tell me about your family."

"My aunt lives also here in Queens i lived with her before i came to the Stark Tower. She is dating Happy a little bit weird they were living now together. You would love her." he said and smiled.

"Go on." i said.

"There is nothing more to say." he said.

"And your parents ?" i said.

Peter looked sadly down on the floor. "Did i say something wrong ?"

"No no Y/N" he started. "It's just hard to explain."

"Yeah i know that it's sometimes complicated with parents but you guys will get over it." i said.

"No..... they are dead." he said and i saw tears filling his eyes a little bit.

"Oh Peter i don't know about at. I'm so sorry. Do you maybe want to talk about this?" i asked.

"So they died years ago at an accident. Since then i lived at my aunt May's home and now here." he said while he wiped away his tears.

I put my head on his shoulder. " I'm sorry Peter. I shouldn't have asked you."

"No it's okay Y/N. You couldn't know about that." he put his and and mine.

Then we sat there on a bench in a park. Hand in hand and my head on his shoulder. Then it begann to rain.

"I think we need to go before it gets worst." he said and stand up.

"You're right this doesn't look good." i said and we began to walk back.

The rain got worst and stand under a tree and waited that it stopped.

"I want to say thank you. Because you saved me some times. Like Flash or my Shoulder." i hugged him.

"It's okay. I would do it again." he said.

Slowly we went back so that our face were close to touch. I looked at his brown eyes and his switched between my eyes and my lips.

"I like you Peter Parker." i said.

"I like you too Y/N Stark." he said.

Then we kissed. It was so romantic. His arms around my waist and mine around his neck.
Then the rain stopped and we stopped our kiss.

We smiled at each other and he hugged me deep. I never felt this happy before.

"I think we can go home. The rain stopped." i said.

"Oh yeah it does. Let's go." he grabbed my hand and we walked at home totally wet.

"We're back again." i said as we came trough the elevator door.

"Damn kids your rally got wet." Cap said. "Switch your clothes before you get sick.

We both went upstairs to our rooms to switch up. I took my joggers and Peters hoodie because i loved that he still smelt at him.

"Can i come in ?" he said.

"Yeah it's open." i said from the bathroom.

I came out of the bath and still rubbing my hair dry.

"Are you okay ?" he asked.

"Yeah i just got really wet." i laughed.

"We both." he laughed.

I stared to rubbing my face wet totally forgot that there was still the cut.

"What the hell Y/N! What happened to you?" he winded his eyes.

I was confused until i realized what i did.

"Oh that ? That is nothing." is said.

He came to me and looked at my face.

"That is everything but not nothing." he said.

"Okay maybe it is. Yesterday i met the Bird guy again because he wanted to." is said.

"Are you dumb ? why you didn't told me?" he said angry.

"Because i didn't want that you get worried." i said.

"How couldn't i. The girl that i like has a big cut on her face because she wanted to meet an evil." he said angry but also sad.

"A girl that you like?" i said with a smile because i couldn't realized to hear that from him again.

"No not now Y/N ! Come with me." he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my room.

Starks daughter ; Peter Parker x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now