10. I know you

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"Oh shit." i said while looking in my mirror. I still had Peters hoodie on.

I went in to his room with the hope that he was awake.

"Peter ? Are you there?" i knocked at his door.

"Yes i'm. You can come in." he said.

"I'm sorry." i started. "I didn't wanted to sleep with your hoodie i forgot that i was still wearing him." i said not looking at him.

I walked slowly to me and took on of my hands because he saw how embarrassed i was.

"Hey Y/N everything is fine. I also didn't realized that so it's no problem. You look good in it and small." he laughed.

I looked at him with a smile."Yeah wait i take it off so you can have it again." i started to took it off because i knew i was wearing still a shirt under.

"You don't have to. It's yours if you want. You look way better in it then i do." he smiled.

"Sure ?" i asked.

"Of course." he said and put i back on with a big smile. I know i would take it off for days now but i didn't care. That was so cute from him.

We went in the kitchen and everyone looked at me when i came down with my black joggers and Peters black hoodie.

"Do you went to the dark side kiddo." Bucky asked and gave me a big hug. "I never saw this hoodie on you before but i know this one. Isn't it too big for you ?"

"Everything is fine Bucky. I just found it in my wardrobe. " i smiled and went to the couch to Wanda.

"Training in 15 minutes?" she asked.

"Okay i'll be outside." i took a bite of my toast and saw how Peter came down the stairs.

"Morning everyone." he said.

"Morning Peter." Clint said. "Wanna train with me , Steve and Sam later?"

Peter agreed. He looked at me and he couldn't stop smiling as he saw me still in his hoodie.I gave him a smile back and he went to the fridge to get him some food.

Peters Pov.:

She looked so cute i my hoodie. She is still wearing it that so sweet.

Peter went up in his room and did some school as he looked out of the widow and saw Y/N training with Wanda.

Wow how good she went in such a short time. She could fly a little bit and looked kinda hot in her sport outfit.

Y/N Pov.:

"Omg Wanda i'm flying." i smiled at her.

"You do very good kid but try now to land." she said.

I tried to do it but i just stopped my powers and felt down. "Ouch"

"You need to stay concentrated honey." she said and helped me up. "Try it now some times alone okay? I get in because i need to call Vision." she said and i nodded.

I tried to concentrate and after some times i got it and could smoothly land.

"Hello." a man voice said behind me.

"Hell-." i looked around and saw the black bird man. "What are you doing here?"

"I don't want to fight. I just want to talk to you if you are Y/N." he said friendly.

"What do you want." i said nervously and build an electric ball in my hand.

"We don't need to do it that way." he said.

"What? You are a villain! You hurt my family." i screamed at him and throw my power ball at him.

"You know me remember." he screamed while he was running to me to fight.

I ran also at him." No i don't why should i."

"I made you your powers." he creamed while he kicked at me. "and i want them back."

"What the hell no. I don't know you and if you don't got powers than it's not my fault." i kicked him how Nat trained to me.

"I was hydra agent. The powers were for me and not for a baby." he screamed at me and started to shout energy balls at me. "Then the boss of hydra stole Starks daughter because he knew you are going to me smart one day. A perfect weapon. Smart and the powers of Scarlet Witch and Captain America."

"The world doesn't even know about me."

"But all of shield knew. Everyone has a spy." he screamed and shot more electric balls after me. "Do you think i got real powers? No that's all my suite i built but i want my powers that you stole from me." he said.

He shot one last ball full with electric on my shoulder so that i fall down. "If you don't come tomorrow at 8 pm to the the railway station alone, i tell the world that you exist." he said and flew away.

I didn't realized how big my pain was until he wasn't there to fight me again. I looked at my shoulder that was full with burning marks.I couldn't move my shoulder it hurt so much that i began to cry.

"Y/N !" Peter screamed behind me. "What happened. I saw how you lay on the ground and a men flew away."

"That was the black bird man Peter. My shoulder." is said with tears in my eyes.

Peter looked at my shoulder and couldn't stop looking. " Okay Y/N. It looks bad of course but we need to get you same so come stand up"

I stand up and Peter and i walked in his room.

"Wait here i'll get you some things." he said and went away.

"Come closer so i can look at it." he said and pulled me closer to him.

"So what happened." he looked at my shoulder.

"So i trained whit Wanda on my powers and then.... then she walked back to call V-Vision." i stared.

Peter took my hand. " Calm down. Everything is okay." he smiled at me and i calm down am little bit.

"Then i trained a little bit for my own until he came. He said he want my powers because i stole them from him but i don't know what that meant. We started to fight, he told me that his powers were only his suite and shot a ball full with electric after my shoulder. And now i'm here. " i said while peter doctored my shoulder.

"Oh that's hard i'm sorry but i'm finished with your shoulder." he said and put up my carrier up again.

"Thank you Peter." i gave him a long big hug.

Starks daughter ; Peter Parker x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now