3. The small talk

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Y/N Pov.:
I woke up again because of the loud music from Jarvis. I screamed again "stop" to Jarvis and the music stoped. I hated when he does that but it is effective.

I stood up , put clothes on , washed my face and brushed my teeth. After that i went down to the kitchen. I sat down next to Nat and ate my toast with cheese and drunk water.

Then Peter came down without a shirt just in pants. I stared at his back sometimes when he doesn't looked in my way.

"Y/N stop !" Nat said to me.

"What ?" i replied. "I never seen someone's body bevor except the from the avengers. You know how my dad is." i said quietly.

"Okay, i know how he is and that is your last look after that stop and brush your hair." she said.

I took a last look and then went to my room to brush my hair what i totally forgot. After that Happy drove us again to school where Ned and Mj waited for us.
We talked a little bit and then went to class.

This day was like yesterday. I sat next to peter and in front of us Ned and MJ. Then we got to lunch and eat together and talked. Then Happy drove us home. I was glad that this school day was over. It's so annoying when everyone is looking at you. 'Look the new student' here and 'is that the new one ?' there. They just need to stop.

After i was in my room a went down to the gym again with the hope that Wanda was there to help me with my powers. So i just went outside to the garden and ran a little bit. This garden was big. I'm happy that the stark tower isn't anymore in the middle of New York and now a little bit outside of Queens. After i found Wanda we began to train a little. Just lift some tiny rocks and other things that aren't so heavy.

Peters Pov.:

"Hey Ned , what's up ?" he said to Ned on my phone.

"Nothing, i just wanted to ask if you want to come over to build the death star?" Ned asked

"I'm sorry Ned i need to work because of the Spider-man think you know." he lied to him because he don't wanted to build the death star right now.

"okay than see you tomorrow." he said.

"see you." Peter replied and canceled the call.

He looked out of the window and saw Y/N running very fast. I couldn't stop looking at her and saw her moving little rock's with her power. So she got Wandas powers? Then he went back to his table and did some studying for tomorrow.

Hours later he heard again someone crying.
He looked out of his room and saw a light in the 1. flor where the kitchen was. It was 10 pm and very dark so who is in the kitchen ? He went quiet down and saw Y/N siting on a chair with ice cream in the kitchen.

"Are you okay ?" he asked her.

"Yeah I'm okay. Just the movie you know." she said while she whipped her tears away.

"So where's the movie?" he asked and she just smiled and slowly eating her ice-cream trying to hide more tears.

He went to the kitchen and made 2 hot chocolates and sat down next to her.

"Everything gets better when you have a hot chocolate." he said with a smile and gave her one. "If you want to talk then we can talk." he said to her to make her fell safe.

Y/N Pov.:

"Thank you." i said and felt safe with him like i could trust him. I stood up and went upstairs.

"Do you wanna come ?" i asked with tears in my eyes.

He stand up and walked with me.

We both sat down on my bed. He on the left side and i sat on the right side.

"So what do you want to talk about ?" he asked shyly.

I liked that he is shy i don't know why.

"So yeah it's just really hard to move to another city." i said.

"Do you got many friend in New York?" he asked.

"No not at all. I never went to a school only homeschooling. And now i'm 16 and going to a new school with people in another city is very hard for me." i said an drunk a little bit of the chocolate.

"Oh i'm s-s-sorry. I didn't know that this was so hard for you." he said again with a shy voice.

"Yeah i don't know. I just need to get used to it." I said back. "So now to you Peter Parker. Why are you so shy.?" i asked him with a smile.

"I'm shy ?" he asked.

"yes you are." is said back.

"oh i don't realized. I don't know, i like to be in the background and let others be the star. I don't know." he said while he laughed.

He made me smile and i just became really tired. And said to him that it's better if he would go and he went out and i slept.

Starks daughter ; Peter Parker x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now