5. What just happend

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Y/N Pov.:

I laid down on my bed and cried. How could flash do that to me ? I laid in my bed in quiet room where you only hear me cry.

Some minutes later it knocked on my door.

"Hey can i come in ?" someone asked.

"No i can't right now. School stuff but who is there ?" i asked.

"I know you don't do school stuff. You cry so please open the door." he said. "oh by the way it's Peter."

I thought about if i should really open the door for some seconds and didn't even put the tissue papers away.

"Open the door Jarvis." i said.

"Okay Ms. Stark."

Peter put the lights on and saw me with tissue papers everywhere and me completely done on my bed.

"damn you look awful." he said.

"oh thank you" i said sarcastically.

"oh sorry i don't mean it like that. You need to stand up put the tissues away and open the window." Peter said.

"calm down Parker." i just replied.

He didn't even hear to me. He put all my dirty tissues away and opened the window.
Then he laid down on the other side of my bed.

"Wanna talk ?" he asked.

"maybe?" i said with full of tears while i looked the first time at him. He looked so good in his Pyjama.

"Don't let Flash do that to you." he started.
"he got no right to do that to you. You didn't even do something to him."

"i know that's why it confused me that hard. I don't know why" i said sadly.

"You need to do something." he said.

"I know i want to go to the director tomorrow because that shit what he had done. But the faces from the others will never go away." i said.

"Yeah they will believe in Flash. But i believe in you and i hope i'm right that this video wasn't real." he said while he looked at his hands.

"Dumb Parker. The video was of course not real. Don't you trust me?" i asked.

" No no i do." he said

i just nodded but i could feel there is something he want to tell me.

"Y/N ?" he asked.

"Yeah ." i said.

"Can i ask you something." he said.

"Of course, but don't ask me again if the video is real." i said.

"No no that's not what i want." he said and laughed a little .

He really took a long paus.

"Come on Peter think a little bit faster. " i said and smiled.

"Okay, so there is something Ned told me and i don't know but it can't get out of my head." he startet.

"He saw how you looked at me after you watched the video in the cafeteria." he said.

"and now ?" i asked.

"You looked very sad so , he said like you would have cheat on someone." Peter said.

"s-so are you in love with someone ?" he said fast.

"So peter i need to tell you.... that i don't know." i said while not looking at him.

"how do you mean that ?" he asked me .

"i don't know if i really like this boy. So there is someone that i really like but i don't know if i like him on the other way. You know what i mean?" i asked.

"Oh okay." he said kinda sad.

"and you ? do you like someone?" i  asked.

He started to blush.
"Same like you. I like her but i don't know if there is more." Peter said.

"Uhhh its Liz right?" i said kinda sad.

"No no never." he said. "Do you like maybe Flash and you're just sad because you liked him?"

I looked to him very sad in his beautiful brown eyes. This sentence hurt me.

"How could you say that." i screamed at him and start to cry. "Why do you think i would like Flash? He is such an big idiot." i said.

"I'm sorry i didn't wanted to hurt you. I really shouldn't said that to you . No one ever should treat a girl like you like that." he said.

Then i realized what he just said.

"A girl like me?" i asked. "because i'm a Stark?"

"no not that way. Because you're so intelligent, funny and beautiful." he said without looking at me.

I didn't know what to say so i said nothing for about ten seconds. These seconds were full of silence.

Then i swiped to the other side on my bed where Peter laid looking at his hands.

"Thank you Parker." i said while i gave him a big hug.

He hugged me back and just said. " Every time Y/N"

We just hugged us some seconds but that were the best seconds i ever had and the closest I've ever was on a boy.

"Can you please stay for a while?" i asked him still with tears in my eyes. " We can watch a movie?"

" Yeah when it is star-wars okay ?" he said and smiled.

I just nodded , put the film on and he put the light of. Because of my big double bed he laid down on the left and i laid on the right.

20 minutes later i don't know why but i looked at him for some seconds and realized that he is really trained.

"what is ?" he asked.

"Uhhhhm nothing. I just have a little bit fear of the movie." I lied. I just hoped he ask if i want to cuddle.

"D-do you want to come to me. You don't need to but maybe you want. I don't know." he asked very shy.

"Thank you." i said back . I laid my head on his chest and he put his arm behind me. I never felt this good before.

I think i really like this boy.

Peters Pov.:

What the hell just happened. How could i feel so happy when she laid in my arm? I think Ned was right i really like this girl.

Starks daughter ; Peter Parker x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now