27. his birthday

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Y/N Pov.:

"I'm here, we can go." he said from behind me.

We walked hand in hand , slowly in the dark to the stark tower. "How is it to be 17 ?"

"Nothing changed i think but it's cool to say i had a girlfriend with 16 and 17." he laughed.

"Oh yeah that's sounds really nice." i smiled.

We stand before the Stark-tower. "You sleep with me today again. Okay ?" i asked.

"I would say no but i could i to my girlfriend." we both laughed and went inside.

We went quite up to my room , to not wake anyone. "Are you ready for your first birthday present parker ?" i asked.

"First ?" i gave him a cute blue wrapped up present. "Thank you ."

He unwrapped it and widened his eyes. "It's the hoodie you wanted for so long but didn't know if you should really buy it because it's not that cheap. So i did it." i said.

He hugged me deep. "That's such a cute present. Thank you Y/N but i know you going to steal it from me." he laughed and i agreed.

"We really should go to sleep, it's very late." i went into the bathroom and switched into a pyjama.

"But i don't want to because when i do i will never see you in a dress again." he said with poppy eyes when i came out.

"I think you will get over it." i laughed and laid down next to him.

"Good night Parker."

"Good night Miss Worthy."


Peters Pov.:

That was a really good sleep. Peter you got a girlfriend. Omg that can be true but it is. I should go down to breakfast.

"Peter don't go." she said in a sleepy voice when he stand up.

He laid down next to her again and cuddled until it was 9 am.

"Okay can we go now i'm hungry." he said and she agreed.

Both switched and went down. "Happy Birthday, kiddo." everyone said and his eyes widened when he saw Aunt May, Ned and Mj.

"What are you guys doing here ?" he asked with a big smile.

"We want to celebrate your birthday man. Y/N invited us." Ned said. He turned around and she smiled at him.

He hugged everyone until he was at May. "Thanks May for coming."

"Of course i would come. I can't miss a birthday of my favorite boy." she laughed.

We all breakfast together until everyone was finished. "Presents, Presents." Bucky and Sam screamed so we all went to the present table.

"Okay so the first present is from all of us Avengers." Steve said and gave him a little envelope. "Read out loud please."

"Happy Birthday kiddo. We all thought after amazing work from you and the others, holidays wouldn't be bad. So when you and
Y/N habe school break we all make vacation together on Hawaii." he said out loud and couldn't stop smiling. "Omg thanks guys for this amazing present."

He walked to Y/N and hugged her. "I can't believe i'm going on vacation with my girlfriend." he said quiet in her ear.

"Girlfriend ?" Sam said loud as he heard it. Seems like he didn't said it quiet enough. Everyone looked shocked at us.

"Uhm yeah guys... we're together." she smiled at them.

"Oh that was what you guys talked about on the dancing floor. That was so romantic." Ned laughed. Everyone hugged us because they knew it was time.

"Okay okay can we please stop now. It's Peters day, so please let's go on." she said. "So i go on or we go on. Dad, Bruce and i made that for you."

He looked in the box and was surprised. "Is that a new spider-man suit ?"

"Yeah i thought you need a little bit of a new design and new tools. Y/N and Bruce were for that a big help." Tony said and hugged him.

"Thanks Mr.Stark, thanks Bruce and again thanks Y/N." he said.

Y/N Pov.:

May gave him his present. "That is the watch from your uncle. He wanted to have you than when he knew that you're ready to take responsibility. I think you can." she said and i saw tears were in his eyes.

"Thank you May that means much for me." he said and gave her a kiss. From Ned and Mj he got a new Lego set from Starwars.

"Now let's go bowling everyone!" Thor ran to the car because he was so exited.

"Bowling ?" he asked me when everyone went to the car.

"I asked Ned and he said that you're the best in bowling so i wanted to see it." i laughed and we went out to the car.

When we were there Thor was again the first that was inside. "For Stark please."

"Oh yeah you have every bowling alley for the next 4 hours. Ask if you guys need something to drink or food." the lady said.

"That's crazy." Thor ran to an alley and everybody followed him. Before i also ran to them Peter pulled me to the side.

"Thank you sweetheart for the day." he kissed me.

"The day just begann." i smiled , grabbed his hand and we went to an ally.

After 4 hours everyone was ready to go. Obviously Peter won but if Cap would had 2 more points he won. But with his powers and also his talent it's not easy to loos.

Then everyone went home except of me, Peter , Ned and Mj. We went all together to a cinema and watched a film. We loved Starwars so we watched the newest movie. No Peter and i watched the movie, Ned and Mj just talked dumb shit. But for me and Peter it was romantic.

"See you on monday guys." Mj said when both went at Ned's home.

"That was a beautiful birthday. Let's go home." he said.

"Yeah we go home but your birthday isn't finished." we went home but in the roof of the building.

"We watch now the sunset together, eat a little bit and talk. After that your birthday is finished. " i smiled and we went to the little thing i put on the floor to feel comfy.

"That's so romantic." he hugged me.

We watched the sunset together until it was 9 pm. It was so romantic. Me alt the time in his arm. We talked all the time about life, future, us or random things.

"Y/N ?" Peter asked.

"What Peter ?"

"I love you. Please never forget that." he kissed my head.

I turned around, so i faced him. "I love you too. More than anything in this world."
We kissed. The romantic kiss we ever had. Under the stars, arm in arm. Best thing ever.

Starks daughter ; Peter Parker x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now