Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


***Ashton's POV***

We were all sat around a table in the Hughes' dining room. I was sitting in between Katie and her mom. Across from me was Annie with Kyle on one side of her and Katie's dad on the other. Mr. and Mrs. Hughes occupied the ends of the table.

I looked over to Katie who was glaring at Annie. Annie was looking down awkwardly at her plate.

"So uh, how was everyone's week?" Mr. Hughes asked.

No one spoke.

"It was great. I've had a pretty relaxed week and I took some time off of work. When I went back on Friday, you agreed to sign the mall to me, so that made everything great." I said.

"You took time off of work?" Katie asked.

"Uh, yeah."

"Why?" She pressed.

"I wasn't feeling well." I said.

"You could've called me. I would've taken care of you."

"I didn't want to bother you."

"So Annie, you and Kyle are together?" Katie asked.

"Yeah." Annie said quietly.

"How long?"

"Almost eleven months." Kyle answered.

"How'd you meet?" She asked.

Annie looked at Kyle and smiled fondly.

"He showed me around campus last summer."

"Campus? So you're in college still?" Katie asked rudely.

"Uh no. I graduated in March."

"And you got a job so soon out of college. Interesting."

"She's very smart Katie. She's actually overqualified for the job that she does." I spoke.

"What makes her so special?" Katie asked with envy dripping in her tone.

"Not everyone can graduate from college at nineteen." I said taking a bite of food.

"Nineteen?" She said shocked.

I nodded.

Katie mumbled something under her breath and continued eating.

"So uh Ashton, may I call you Ashton?" Mr. Hughes spoke.

"Of course." I smiled.

"Alright, Ashton, I'd like to get to know who I'm signing my life over to. What do you like to do in your free time?" He asked.

I thought for a moment. "I don't have much free time, but I like music. So I guess that I like listening to music."

"Anything else?"

"I recently got into watching Jim Carrey and Disney movies." I said. I gave a discreet wink to Annie and she blushed.

Kyle whispered something to Annie and she giggled.

"What made that start?" He asked.

"Just wanted to start reliving my childhood I guess."

Mr. Hughes smiled and turned to his wife.

"I think we made a great decision." He said.

I smiled in appreciation.

We finished dinner and moved to the living room.

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