Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"What do you guys wanna do today?" I asked my brothers as we sat on the couch watching tv.

"Go to the beach." Caleb said and I groaned.

"That's so boring."

"Not everyone has the chance to sit in the sand every day." Blake said.

"I haven't been to the beach in like three months." I said. "It's like getting a new car. Once the dealership smell wears off, it's not as exciting."

Blake laughed before getting up. He opened his suitcase and pulled out swimming trunks.

"We're going." He said and walked to
The bathroom to change.

"You can change in my room." I said to Caleb.

He got his bathing suit and walked to my room.

While I waited for them, I picked up the bowls from our breakfast and put them in the kitchen.

I walked to Shaylin's room and knocked on the door.

"Shay we're going to the beach." I said.

"Bye." I heard her say through the door.

"Do you wanna come with us?"

"Fuck off! I'm trying to fucking sleep!" She yelled.

"Alright fine. I don't know when we'll be back so-"


"I'm going!" I said and walked back to the living room. It wasn't long until Blake came out and sat with me.

"Why aren't you ready?" He asked.

"Caleb's in my room." I said.

"Hey, who's Ashton?" He asked.

"No one. Why?" I said trying to stay calm.

"Shaylin was talking about him yesterday like they were dating but then said something about another guy. I was confused." He said just as Caleb walked back out.

"They aren't dating." I said before I stood and walked to my room. I had a lot of bathing suits. I looked for a while before deciding on a peach colored bikini.

I got my white sundress and gladiator sandals to go with it. I then packed a bag with a book, change of clothes, sunscreen, and two towels.

I walked back into the living room to see them sitting on the couch on their phones.

"You guys are gonna need a towel and a change of clothes." I said putting my purse in my bag. "Towels are in the closet by the bathroom."

They got their clothes and I put them in my bag, but I made them carry their towels.

We left the apartment and got to my car. I frowned when I couldn't find my sunglasses.

"We have to go to my office really quick." I said pulling out of my parking space.

"Why?" Caleb said from the back seat.

"I left my sunglasses there."

"Your music sucks ass." Blake complained turning the station. I cringed at the station that he stopped on.

"Turn it off." I said immediately.

"We like this music."

"You know that I hate it."


"Blake turn it off or there won't be any music at all." I said loudly.

"Country isn't that bad." Blake defended.

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