Chapter Twenty One: A Luna's choice

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Chapter Twenty One: A Luna's choice

I returned to my pack in the early morning. The guards on duty instantly saw me but did not react with horror, but instead with joy. It gave me an idea as to how to get away to challenging the Alpha. It was a plan that hurt my heart but I now realized it might be the only way. So as the guards on duty began to approach, I forced tears to fall from my eyes.

And from my lips I told a tale, a horrible tale full of lies. I told the guards a fake story that I was kidnapped by rogues, wheeled away after they discovered I was their king's mate. Adam was killed by them when he found me, and I was trapped until I found a way to escape. They believed me—they had no reason not to. Our pack had been attacked by rogues long ago and that wound had never fully healed.

It wasn't long before I was taken to the pack house, and directed to the Alpha's room. He was not there however, and I didn't know if I took comfort in that or not. Instead, Anne Kul was in the room, the elder female was dusting his shelves. While the guards left me and closed the door, I knew they'd stay at the door outside. Believing my story or not, this was a matter for the Alpha and only him.

"Did you find him?" the old wolf asked.

I blinked, being pulled out of my rouse, "W-What?"

She stopped her actions to face me, a frown on her face. Her duster was lowered and she tilted her head. I had to be careful, she was an elder after all. It didn't matter that Marcus was Alpha, the elders of the pack had more influence than he could ever dream. They had seen the evolution of Alphas over the years, after all.

"The last we spoke," she said slowly, "Well...we both know whom we discussed. Then you were gone. So, I ask again, did you find him?"

I paled slightly, "I-I don't know who you mean."

"Very well," she sighed, "However, for the sake of our pack, I hope you had."

Then, the door slammed open and the Alpha walked through. He paused, his eyes sliding from Elder Kul to myself. A frown pulled onto his face and he sent her a look. No doubt sending her a message through the bond. She nodded, then left, and yet again the door closed.

His eyes stayed on me as he moved to sit at his desk. Marcus Bone was a cruel man. His brown eyes sharp, a permanent frown on his face. He cocked his head as he stared at me, his face emotionless. I swallowed the lump in my throat, he suddenly stretched his power over me.

It was weak, I realized. I was sure Layla had more power than him let alone Phoenix's beta or himself. I attempted to quiver, but as Marcus' brow rose, he didn't seem to buy my little act so I dropped it. Clearly, he wasn't here for my story.

"You were kidnapped," he stated, "Is that part true?"

I nodded with the lie, "Yes."

"If that was true," he continued, tapping his fingers on his desk, "Then why has he not marked you? I think, you're not telling the full truth."

I sighed softly. He knew I was equal rank to him now. I was meant to be a Luna, and if I was kidnapped by an Alpha the first thing they'd do was mark their mate. A Luna is not only the Queen figure of the pack, but she also made her Alpha stronger, as he did her.

"Does it matter?" I then demanded, "I returned because this is my home."

He grinned, "Good. We are glad you are home. Tell me, Luna, what does home mean to you? This pack, our rites every moon cycle. I can see you understand the need for an Alpha son. The previous Luna, my darling Rosa, she could not bare children. This pack needs a real Luna."

My eyes widened, as a darkness filled the room.

"Marcus," I whispered slowly, "W-What are you implying?"

The Alpha slammed his hand onto the table and in his eyes I saw a sudden hunger and rage. It scared me, the sudden want. I flinched from his action and leaned away from him. He didn't need to say it, I knew what his words meant. Not only did he follow long forgotten antics for an heir but he was willing to stage a rogue attack to make it happen.

Sacrificing his own pack members.

My parents.

"You will call me Alpha," he hissed, "And you will not speak of what you think you know. I am offering you a position of Luna in this pack you little fool. The full moon is tonight, you will decide now. Else, you will be banished for conspiring with a rogue."

I gasped, "Are you insane?"

His eyes glowed, "Watch your tongue, wrench. I know you, I know your family well. Your parents were guards of the former Luna. Friends I might suggest. Your sister, I will impregnate her tonight if you don't take her place. You will decide but I know it is no decision."

He was right.

Tears flooded down my face and I looked up at him, my entire body feeling numb.

"I-I'll do it," I whispered, holding back sobs, "I-I be your Luna."     

Author's note: 

Only a few chapters to go! 

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