Chapter Twenty Two: The Full Moon

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Chapter Twenty Two: The Full Moon

            My heart ached.

            It hurt to think this is how my story would go, I wished to challenge the Alpha and fix this pack and remain markless. I loved Phoenix, I loved him with all my heart. Yet, this way I could save Amber and myself. I hated that this was how things had turned out.

            Now I was locked in a bedroom completely guarded. He had threw me in here demanding I look the part of the next Luna for tonight. Even if I wanted to flee I couldn't—not when the stakes had changed. Not when Marcus knew, he knew Amber was my sister and if I didn't be the Luna our former could not, he would make me suffer through her.

            My sister, I missed my sister.

            A knock on the door made me look up. The door opened and my eyes widened as a certain guard walked through. She was dressed in a pair of leggings and a white tunic, her long red locks pulled back. Tears streamed down her face and the moment she stepped through, and I launched myself from the chair I had been sitting on and into her arms.

            "Oh god Wyren!" she sobbed, "Where have you been? Y-You smell strange. Have you found your mate? Is he one of the packhouse guards? Why are you here?"

            I sniffled, pulling away, "I'm so sorry for not telling you. I knew you'd try to stop me and for once I wanted to protect you."

            Her eyes widened, "Protect me? W-Wait, where had you gone?"

            "I-I left to find the rogue king," I whispered quietly.

            She gasped, her eyes wide, "What were you thinking? You could have been killed!"

            I shook my head, "Amber, he's my mate."

            Amber grew quiet, her eyes searching my face, "And what do we think of that?"

            "H-He's perfect," I giggled, my cheeks heating as I thought of him, "Kinder than you'd expect. Strong too, so strong. Oh god Amber I wish you could have met him! You'd love him, he's a good Alpha, and a good warrior."

            Amber smiled, her hand touching my cheek, "Then when you leave I'll sneak away with you. Our Alpha won't care if I'm gone, and the guards love me. They won't say anything. After tonight, we'll both be free. I'll go back to being a guard, and you will go to your mate."

            Suddenly, reality came crashing down and I realized the truth. I could feel the tears filling my eyes. She didn't know yet, I'm sure the Alpha didn't tell her just in case I changed my mind. I would lose my moon-intended mate and I would never see him again.

            "What's wrong?" Amber whispered, "Did our Alpha find out? Why are you in the Luna's suit? Did he run out of guest rooms?"

            I shook my head, tears falling as I looked up at her, "I can't be with Phoenix because Marcus has decided to spare you if I become the packs next Luna."

            Her eyes widened, "Wyren w-what did you do?"

            "I told you," I whispered, pulling a smile onto my face, "I will protect you."

            Her eyes widened and she gasped. The door opened again as two guards entered with a woman whose face was covered with a bundle of dresses she held. The two guards pulled the shocked Amber from the room as the doors closed. Despite them closing, I could hear her sudden scream of anger. I turned my face away as tears fell down my face.

            "Don't cry," the woman whispered.

            I looked at her, she had placed the bundle on the bed and now I could see it was Gracie—the last full moon's victim. At least, after tonight there would be no more victims.

Only one.

Only myself.

"What you're doing," Gracie said, "It is not defeat. It is just the beginning."

I smiled slightly, "It feels like a defeat."

"It will," she said nodding, "It will for only a short while. Then you will rise, better than we all could. You are a dragon and our Alpha is just a dog. You are the only hope for this pack, not him."

She was right. My fingers curled into fists and I knew she was right.

I would not be a victim.

I would be a dragon.

She did my hair, and she dressed me in a pure white gown. It exposed my neck—the place where he would force his mark. I needed to become Luna and then, I would take charge of this pack. I would save it from the constant betrayal of it's Alpha.

The door opened and I looked up. It was Gracie.

It was time.

"You are a dragon," she whispered under her breath.

I nodded. I was a dragon. This was not a defeat. As I reached it, I looked around and I saw it. Every single wolf here was looking at me the same way. Relief, and strength. I could almost laugh, they saw me as their saviour. They did not see a victim and I realize they never did. All the females before me, they hoped she'd be the one to break the cycle. 

Gracie stopped walking, and I found myself passing the crowd and standing in front of the greedy, cruel Alpha. He wore only a pair of pants, and I wore a fancy white gown. An image of purity. I took a small breath as he neared me. His fingers running down the side of my neck, where my mate was meant to mark me.

"Your sister's not here to watch?" he asked lowly.

I glanced towards the crowd, he was right. Amber wasn't in the crowd. I wasn't surprised, the moment he bit me I'd go into a fierce heat, wanting whoever marked me. My wolf whined from inside me but she didn't protest. She had been silent for a while now but she knew, this was the only way to protect our sister. No doubt my wolf would return to silence after this, as she was ever since our return.

I took a que from her and stayed silent.

He smirked, "Well then, it's time to begin."

I shut my eyes as his hands moved to either side of my neck. My wolf, I could feel her panic despite the silence. She didn't want this and I didn't—but we had to. I dug my finger nails into my palms as I attempted to be still. Marcus neared my throat, I could feel his hot breath and then suddenly, he stopped.

My eyes opened and I looked at him in confusion. But his gaze was no longer on me but on the forest. The crowd was muttering among themselves in confusion and anger. I looked towards the forest, where I could make out the forms of wolves.


"Oh no," I whispered knowing this would be a bloodbath.

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