Chapter Two: Rumors in the wind.

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Into the Unknown, Panic! At the Disco

Chapter Two: Rumors in the wind.

I left the pack at noon.

Dressed in a pair of Amber's sweat pants, and a black tank top it was easy to get past them. I had grew up with these warriors after all, I was also Amber's older sister. When I passed, they merely averted their gaze. No questions would be answered by the Alpha's command if they never saw me. For that, I was grateful to my pack.

Even if I would betray them.

By the time the sun began to dip I had made it to the neighbouring human village. Well, more of a pit I would say. It was a small human huddle – a gas station, motel and bus stop and a few worn down cottages. My stomach growled with hunger and I entered the gas station.

The door rang as I entered, and I placed a pack of beef jerky, chips and water on the counter. The clerk, a younger boy with a pizza face riddled with puberty cashed me out with wandering eyes. I had to keep my wolf incredibly calm not to shift and rip his eyes out.

"Anything else you want to buy cutie? Maybe some cherry coke?" he attempted to flirt.

I smiled sweetly, "No thank you, I must get to the motel. My clothing is filthy from burying the last boy who liked to speak in such a disrespectful manner."

His eyes widened, and I think he wet himself as I made my leave. Grasping my plastic bag among the travel backpack secured to my shoulders I walked towards the distant, faint flickering of the motel sign.

Once I reached the motel I was greeted by an older human. She smiled kindly at me, reminding me of Elder Anne Kul, "Welcome. Are you staying the night?"

I nodded reaching the counter and pulling out a crisp fifty dollar bill, "Yes please. I'd like any room as close to the forest as possible. And away from any other guests."

"Of course sweetie. Are you in some kind of danger, should I call the police?" she asked.

I shook my head, "I'm trying to find someone, thank you for your concern."

She handed me the room key then smiled brightly, "Well, if you find yourself going through the forest please be careful. To the west is land owned by a private reserve called Break Bone Park, and they're known to shoot any tresspassers on sight. Not to mention the amount of wild dogs and wolves in these parts. The east is not any better."

"What's east?" I asked.

She shook her head, "Rough terrain and even rougher beasts."

True to my request, my room was the door facing the forest. Entering the room, the ugly smell of mold and dust tickled my nose. With a frown, I opened all the windows – allowing the cool, night breeze to slip inside. With the fresh scent and the view of the forest, it was not long before I fell asleep on the floor under the window.

Waking up, I felt revived with a new determination. The closest pack to ours was one of the most known Alpha's – Alpha Storm. He was a cruel wolf, with a terrible bloodlust. He was known to be one of the oldest wolves alive and his pack was made solely of warriors, although just rumors in the wind I was sure he could help me find this ex-rogue king.

The only problem was, his pack lay east of my pack. The east was where the rogues came from two years ago, and the east was known for their vicious storms. Fitting I guess, for such an Alpha.

But it was a risk I would have to take for Amber.

Shoving the remaining beef jerky into my mouth along with the chips I showered quickly then pulled on a pair of jeans and a sweater. Looking in the mirror I realized just how long my red hair was. It sat just above my tail bone – I never had a reason to cut it because I wasn't a fighter. Now, it seemed almost silly.

Braiding the locks back, I grabbed my stuff then made my way to the front desk. The old woman from the previous night sat there reading the paper, only looking up when I entered. She smiled when her eyes settled on me and I returned her kindness.

"Thank you for your words last night," I said gratefully, placing the key on the counter.

She nodded, "Of course. Know you're welcome back anytime. Have a safe trip sweetie."

I thanked her once more, then made my way towards the thicket of trees. Above me, dark clouds rumbled in the distance and I had a moment of hesitation. I had never left the pack before – certainly not so far away and definitely never east. I doubted myself – what if I couldn't save Amber?

My wolf within my body growled loudly and I nodded. She was right, there was no place for hesitation. There was only do and if I didn't do, then I would die.

Soon I'd be entering pack lands that wasn't my own. Not to mention I was no fighter and could barely even shift without the help of the moon. I was only just above an omega – thus I would need to be on my best guard. Or I'd die before I could even lay eyes on the former rogue king. And I wouldn't accept failure as an option.

My wolf hummed in agreement.

We would save Amber. 

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