Chapter sixteen: heart and head

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Chapter Sixteen: heart and head

Paws slammed against the ground, my paws. My wolf and I were in complete harmony as we followed after him. So close the dirt flying from his back paws tickled my nose. He wasn't running from me but from my mate. I knew he wouldn't stop until he was back at my pack, and there my sister would pay the price.

I would kill Adam.

Stop! I screamed into his mind, Fight me damnit!

Fight you? It was laughter, it wouldn't be a fight. It would be a slaughter. I will not kill you Wyren, but you will be punished for your treachery.

No! I snarled, it will be yours you bastard!

He turned suddenly, slamming into me. I let out a cry of pain. He grinned, his fangs on display as he circled around me. He was a fighter, and to him I was nothing but an annoyance. This had turned into a game for him. My wolf didn't like that.

You are nothing without our alpha, he growled, and your sister will die because of you.

I stood on all fours, standing my ground. I envisioned Phoenix beside me. My mate, even if he didn't want me I knew together I was stronger. He gave me strength and now in my illusion, he would give me the strength to be a warrior and do what needed to be done.

I held my snout high, warning in my eyes. I thought of nothing but fighting. I would fight until my last breath to protect my sister. Even if that meant burning down the world with me in it. Because that was my flesh and blood, that was my other half.

That was my Amber.

Try it, I snarled.

He lunged at me, I rolled onto my back. His teeth grazing my fur like moths to a light. He snarled, lunging again. I ducked behind a tree. I could not win in a fair fight, but I could in a smart one. His anger was quickly rising, his movements sloppy.

I cannot wait to leave your chunks for that mate of yours, he spat.

My wolf snickered, she wanted to bring his corpse to Phoenix like a proposal of love. This male had angered her in more ways than one. It had strengthened her soul. She had forgotten our weakness and could only think of our strengths.

Adam howled, around him a dark mist began to form. I backed up a step, this was his blessing at work. He must have decided my death was more important than distracting Phoenix. In a moments time there was then two of him. My heart hammered in my chest, doubt set in. I couldn't take on him and his phantom.

Unfortunately, my wolf would not let me lose.

Die rogue whore, he laughed.

Both wolves lunged at me, I let out a cry attempting to dodge but my wolf disobeyed my orders. She refused to move, and his phantom's teeth dug into my flesh. Pain slammed into me and I let out a cry. My blood spread out around us, Adam paused. He watched as his phantom wolf melted away. His eyes widened.

Moon blessed, he whispered.

I smirked through my pain and let my wolf take over. She let out a long, loud howl. She was signalling to Phoenix. Letting our mate know where the intruder was. Adam's eyes widened and now, he ran out of pure fear. Not of my mate but of me.

I was after him like a hawk to a snake. Power crackled around me, my blood fell on roots, trees, everything it touched melted away. In his haste, he stumbled, letting out a cry of panic. He slammed into a tree, before spinning to face me. I held my head high as he lowered his in submission.

P-Please, he whimpered, let me go. I'll tell Alpha nothing! Spare me.

I stopped in front of him, would you have spared my sister? Would you have spared this pack?

This pack is rogue! He snapped.

I snarled, Because of us! We did this to them! We banished them out then demanded they what? Die? No pack wants them so they made their own and now you wish them to die? There are children here. Wolves abused by their previous packs.

All rogue are murders! He demanded.

I held back my own emotions, Then I guess I'll fit right in.

We lunged at him, biting his throat. He whimpered, then began to cry out in pain as my blood melted him away. I sat back, letting the tortured cries consume me. I wanted to remember this, I wanted to absorb all the pain and destruction I had caused. I had killed one of my pack members, I had taken the life of a submissive, retreating wolf.

I was no longer worth forgiveness.

And yet I would do it again for Amber. I would do it again for Dawn, and for Phoenix.

Behind me, a wolf emerged from the thicket. The large wolf radiated pure power and now he also radiated empathy, sorrow and respect. Phoenix moved over to me before letting out a low growl. He wanted me to step away from the mess. But I couldn't. I couldn't tear myself away from the destruction.

So he stepped in front of me, and sat down. Blocking my gaze. Only then did I slowly look up at him. Those grey eyes watched me carefully. He tilted his head then, to my surprise, he shifted forms. In a moments time he stood in front of me in his full naked glory.

Kneeling on his knees, his hand didn't hesitate to stroke my muzzle.

You're not going to punish me? I whimpered still in wolf form.

"For what?" he seemed genuinely surprised.

I didn't answer, I didn't have the emotional strength to. Instead, I shifted forms as well. My weak fragile body fell forward. His own shot out, but instead of demanding I toughen up, he held my body to his. I whimpered softly.

"W-What am I going to do now?" I sobbed softly, "I did the unthinkable. I'm a traitor, a murder. No pack will forgive this, I can't even challenge Marcus anymore. I-I'm a criminal."

"Shhh little dragon," he whispered, resting his head on mine, "You did nothing wrong."

I looked up at him with wide, fearful eyes, "I did everything wrong! I took an innocent life!"

His eyes were so soft, "And you saved one too. Perhaps more than one. You protected your sister and my pack. You asked to be a warrior and now you fought like a warrior. No one ever said this would be simple, no one ever said you'd always know what to do."

I sniffled, "You would have done the right thing."

He was silent for a moment then he sighed softly, scooping me up and beginning the long walk back to his pack. I noticed a few wolves had traveled with him and now, they stayed at the mess. I pushed my gaze away.

"It is hard deciding what to do when your head and your heart disagree," he hummed, "And I think I decide all too often with my head and not my heart. But I think you little dragon, you decided the right thing."

Hearing him say that warmed my heart, and my wolf.

"Come on," he chuckled, "Dawn is stress baking. Bear cannot concentrate, she continues to use the pack link to knows your status."

I smiled slightly at that.  

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