Chapter Seventeen: Kindness

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Longer chapter because once i started, i could not stop... 

Chapter Seventeen: Kindness

When I walked into the kitchen freshly showered and my new wounds healed. Inside the kitchen where Phoenix's large manor was back to thriving as if nothing had happened. It shocked me, after the rogue attack on Marcus' pack, the pack didn't heal for weeks and even then we hadn't fully healed. It occurred to me that maybe this pack got attacked often.

Perhaps that's why Phoenix trained his pack so much.

"Oh Wyren!" Dawn gasped spotting me, "You had me so worried!"

In two steps she had crossed the room and had her arms around me. She squeezed me tightly, making me giggled. It felt like I had a friend here, no, a sister. That made me feel warm inside. I knew Phoenix would never accept me but at least I found another peace here.

"I'm ok," I giggled, hugging her back.

She breathed out, "I almost took down the guard at the safe zone to come looking for you."

"Safe zone?" I asked curiously as I helped her clean the flour off the counter.

Dawn nodded, tucking a short black lock behind her ear, "Not far from here is a cave we use as a safe zone. For the children and mothers or any unfit to fight."

My eyes widened, "Phoenix doesn't make you all fight?"

Before her mouth could open, a sudden scent filled the room. I turned to see Natalia fully healed and standing in the doorway. The room went silent as all the wolves wanted to see what would happen. I was sure they'd root for her. They all expected her to be Luna and yet a weak, monstrous outsider had injured her greatly.

"Dawn," she said simply, coldly, "It's not your place to tell our secrets."

My friend's gaze dropped, "As our alpha's mate, I thought it would be fine."

"She is not," the female snarled, "She is an outsider and you shared one of our secrets. That's punishable by death. I don't even have to ask my alpha, you have been nothing but a hindrance since you arrived. No wonder you both have become so close."

I stepped in front of Dawn, my fingers curling, "That is enough."

"You have no say in our affairs," she replied taking a step towards me.

I held my head high, "I'm not backing down, I'm not going to let you talk to her like that."

"Of course, Dawn needs someone else to fight her battles," Natalia threw back.

I must have still had adrenaline pumping through my veins because when she spoke, I stepped forward again until my nose was inches away from hers. Her eyes widened and there I saw pure fear and hurt. She was in love with Phoenix I realized, and she was taking it out on others.

So I stepped back, "Just walk away Natalia."

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" she hissed.

I shrugged, "Do or don't, it's your decision but I'm just going to ignore you. If you wish to talk, then I will listen but this back and forth drama is stupid and I'm over it."

Her jaw dropped and her cheeks grew red with embarrassment and instead of continuing she let out a huff before storming away. I could see Dawn watch her go with wide eyes, but I didn't care. Instead, I continued to clean and not pay anyone any mind.

"Wyren," Dawn whispered, "How did you do that?"

Behind me, Phoenix cleared his throat. I turned with a frown. Of course he was going to bitch me out for treating Natalia the way I did. With a tired sigh I turned ready for it. I was tired of fighting in this pack every damn day. It just made me aware that I didn't belong in Marcus' pack now and my home certainly wasn't here.

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