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Gloomy Sunday, Billie Holiday


The wait was terrible.

Waiting, waiting for the moment some poor she-wolf's fate would be shattered. Their innocence stolen by the Alpha for a pipe-dream of an heir. Men disgusted me, and male wolves acted like savages. It wasn't that long ago that our Luna had died. Two years ago, during a rogue attack our Luna was murdered. Because of that our Alpha went mad. Rounding up all the she-wolves in our pack to become his personal vessel, planting his seed in a new she-wolf at the start of every moon cycle hoping for an heir.

It was during the full moon that we were our strongest. Thus, it was often Alpha's mated during this time publicly in the eyes of the pack did a male take his mate. It also showed proof that, if impregnated then it showed who was the father. This was an optional law among packs, but one our Alpha had distorted. He would pick from all the unmated she-wolves. I don't know how he got away with this with the other Alpha's.

"Who do you think it'll be next month?" my sister, Amber whispered in my ear.

I shushed her and kept my eyes on our Alpha. Watching as he publicly took away the she-wolves innocence. Uncaring as she cried, keeping her hand over her mouth to not make a sound. She would not give him that.

Alpha groaned, planting his seed into the poor girl then flung her away like a used rag. Facing us in his nude form he smiled, his eyes cutting through the crowd to land on my sister. My breath caught as he rose a finger, the crowd cutting so everyone could see his next pick.

"You," he called to Amber making my fists tighten, "What is your name?"

"A-Amber," she whispered her voice quivering.

"Louder!" he ordered, "State your name."

"Amber Thorn!"

He nodded, "Amber Thorn, upon the next full moon, if the goddess wills it, you will be blessed with your Alpha's heir. Now let us hunt."

Howls sang through the air as he shifted then darted into the forest. One by one our pack followed after him. This moon night, like all the others was nothing surprising. We could not rebel against him, his large, brown wolf the size of a car – the biggest wolf I've seen. In a mere moment, all that was left, was the sobbing she-wolf and my silently weeping sister.

It fueled my wolf with pure anger. It fueled me with pure anger.

"He will not have you," I whispered, I promised.

She shook her head, and looked at me with sorrowful, stormy eyes, "I can't get out of it."

"No," I agreed, "But I can go in your place. He'll like that – an eager girl."

Her eyes widened and she smiled slightly, "If you won't let me be touched by that man – I will not let you be his victim. Come Ren, we're behind on the hunt. I love you big wolf."

"I love you little wolf," I replied with a small smile.

With that, she shifted into the form of her beautiful, smaller red wolf then took off. I watched her disappear through the trees with determination filling me. I didn't care what she wanted, I would save her innocence, I would not let him touch her.

With such a thought, I shifted then followed after my younger sister.

The Wolf Within BOOK ONE (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now