Chapter Twenty Five: Healing a Hurting Heart

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Chapter Twenty Five: Healing a Hurting Heart


Everything hurt and yet the pain continued.

There was a new pain, something was slamming on my chest. I could feel my ribs aching, there was a pain. I-It hurt. Suddenly, I gasped in a breath of air, sitting up. I was soaked, cold and in pain on the floor of Phoenix's bathroom. Who, had his hands on my shoulders, his eyes wide with pure panic and fear.

"W-What," he growled, so angry I could feel his power coming off him in waves, "The fuck was that? What were you thinking? Do you think killing yourself is the only option?"

My eyes widened and I looked away, "You can just find a replacement."

"W-What?" he whispered, shocked, "W-What are you saying?"

I looked up at him sniffling, "T-That's what Amber told me."

"When did you speak to her?" he asked softly.

I looked towards the tub. Suddenly, I felt guilty. His mother had killed herself and I-I had just tried to do the same. Hot tears filled my eyes and I threw myself at him, sobbing into his chest. I hurt him, I hurt him yet again.

"I-I'm so sorry," I sobbed, "I-I got confused."

He sighed, rubbing my back, "It's not your fault. You were tricked."

I sniffled, "Do you know a wolf who can cause illusions?"

"I do," he replied grimly, "It seems our bond has caught the attention of the council."

My back straightened, "What does that mean?"

"Nothing. It is my fault he got this close to you, I will put measures into place to see it doesn't happen again," he sighed, "For now, I think we need to discuss the larger issue."

I blinked in confusion, "What?"

"My dragon," he said softly, "You are depressed. I thought giving you space and time would help but it didn't. That's my mistake. Time has always allowed my heart to heal but I know now that's not the correct course of actions. I-I'm new to this, but I want to do better."

"That's not right," I whispered, "I-I should have asked for help."

He chuckled, pressing his lips to my forehead, "We shall make you an appointment with Peace. He is a good doctor, good for the mind as well. I will ask you to see him every day for a while, if that's alright with you."

I nodded, "I will. I'll try anything."

"Good, as for your previous silly words about replacing Uaria I think I should explain why I had never marked her," he sighed, "You should know the full story."

I shook my head, "No. You don't owe me any explanation."

"Yes I do," he sighed, "Come and change into something dry. I'll tell you as you dress."

We moved to the closet. I wasn't worried about changing in front of him, I had gotten used to their customs. I even found myself liking some of them, they seemed more natural to ourselves. So, I stripped out of my wet attire before pulling on a silk nightgown.

"When Uaria and I met," he hummed, "It was because I had killed her mate. We were enemies for a long while, she and her mate had been banished for killing her father. An abusive wolf. In my path of destruction, I killed him, before he had marked her. For years Uaria hunted me. We played a game of cat and mouse until it became something more. We fell in love, we became lovers and then I asked her to be my Luna."

I moved from the closet to the bed, sitting down and struggling to not let his story make me jealous nor sad. I bit my lip, looking towards the large window and he sat beside me. His hands covered mine, calming me slightly.

"She wanted me to mark her," he said, "but I could not. She knew, and I knew that one day I would meet my intended mate and when that day happened I needed to see my mate. I couldn't mark someone without meeting her, without giving her some sort of explanation. Uaria understood this and soon she stopped asking until one day she told me she'd challenge my mate."

"You accepted this?" I asked softly, my throat dry.

He chuckled, "No. Which is why I foolishly went for a three day and night run. When I got back my pack was dead and Uaria was gone. The council had killed everyone, and left me Uaria's tail as a token and I-I"

"You don't have to continue," I whispered.

He looked at me with a heavy look, "I want to. I want you to be my mate, there is no replacing Uaria but she is my past. You are my future. I wish mark you and make you Luna but not until you are ready."

I smiled, "I love you."

His eyes widened, then he smiled, "I-I love you too."

"Good. Shall we retire for the evening," he hummed laying back, "Or do you wish your separate room still? Either is fine of course."

I smiled, in the back of my mind, my wolf stirred. I laid back beside him, curling into his side. Instantly, his arm wrapped around me and he flipped, resting his head on my chest. I sighed, my fingers lazily playing with his hair.

"What happened with Bear and how'd he know what I was planning?" I asked.

He sighed, "The banishment is hard for everyone, but his story is not mine to tell."

"Yeah," I snorted, "I don't see him warming up to me."

Phoenix smiled, "He already has. Sleep my dragon, tomorrow is a new day."

My eyes fluttered and I nodded, "Goodnight my Alpha."

"Goodnight my Luna." 

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