Chapter fourteen: The Beta's mate returns!

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(sorry for the delay! I realized I had this chap rewritten)

Chapter fourteen: The Beta's mate returns!

I had slept shivering all night and when morning arose, I found yet another pile of clothing waiting for me. After showing, and dressing in the simple black leggings and sports bra, I was also left a sweater. Not thinking deeply about it, I also pulled on the grey sweater and pulled my hair back into a long braid.

Once done, I was all too happy to venture downstairs. Like every morning I could smell bacon as well as pancakes and toast. I practically flew into the dining area and started making a plate. Little did I know the room had grown silent for a new reason today.

"Dangerous," someone whispered making my head snap up.

I scanned the faces – no one dare meet my eyes. A frown had pulled onto my face and my wolf was growling lowly. But it wasn't disrespect I realized; it was fear. Why would the rogue king's warriors be afraid of me? I bit my lip nervously and continued to make my plate at a quicker pace.

Once down I scampered towards the door, only to have it swing open and miss my nose by an inch. I yelped, stepping back while protecting my plate. Getting ready to snarl at whoever dare try to ruin my food I paused when I came face to face with a familiar set of warm brown eyes.

"Dawn?" I gasped shocked to see her back.

She smiled brightly, throwing her arms around my shoulders, "Wyren! It's so good to see you again! We must go shopping and gossip."

I frowned slightly, "It hasn't been five days."

She nodded, moving to make her own plate of breakfast, "True but Alpha said he needed Bear back pronto to start training you."

My eyes narrowed at that, "What an asshole."

She giggled sitting down and I followed her lead, "You're so smitten with the alpha."

"No I'm not!" I gasped, my cheeks heating, "Never in a million years!"

"Wo-o-o-ow," a high pitch sugary voice snickered making my face turn, "Who would have expected our weak little beta mate and the hazardous alpha mate would get along."

The voice belonged to – oh great another bimbo. The one speaking had long black hair and sun kissed skin, and the other was a blonde who had short curls and tanned skin. Both were dressed in matching scraps for shorts and tight, push up bras. Both looking like slutty, goddesses.

"Erica, Payton," Dawn greeted tightly.

"Let me guess," I sighed already bored of this, "Natalia's friends?"

The blonde looked surprised, "How could you tell?"

"So what?" the black haired one, Erica snapped, "We have a problem with you and the beta's mate."

She was starting to piss me off now.

"Dawn. Her name is Dawn and I would start showing some respect."

"Or else what?" Erica hissed with a grin, "You'll melt me too? I'd love to see you try."

My eyes widened at her words and Dawn stood, slapping her hands onto the table, "That's enough! This is the dining room not the training grounds. Take it outside or stop picking fights."

Erica crossed her arms over her chest, making her boobs pop even more, "Look at the little rejected wolf, trying to pretend to be in charge."

My anger finally snapped, "Shut the fuck up!"

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