Chapter Twenty: Freedom Runner

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Chapter Twenty: Freedom Runner

We ate together in the dining room. It was lasagna, delicious lasagna that Dawn had helped make. While we were the only ones in the dining room, it felt like the room was full. There was a happy bubble around us, for once we knew were we stood and I was happy.

"Do you like it?" he asked softly.

I smiled, "yes I do, do you?"

His eyes roamed over my face and he smirked, "I'd rather something else."

"Well," I snickered, "You missed your chance. My heat ended."

The alpha leaned back in his chair, "Whose to say I was talking about sex?"

My jaw fell open and I felt foolish. Of course he wasn't talking about sex. My cheeks heated and I focused on shoving as much lasagna into my mouth as possible. He laughed, the rich sound filling my stomach with butterflies. It only deepened the colour of my cheeks.

"While I would very much enjoy sex with you," he then said, "I've waited hundreds of years for you and I will wait a hundred more until we're at a place where your face doesn't turn red with embarrassment when we mention sex."

I smiled slightly, "Thank you."

"Tell me about yourself," he replied, ignoring my thanks.

I paused, my fork scraping the plate, "Like what?"

He stared at me expectantly.

So I sighed, "My parents were killed when a rogues attacked my pack. Amber is the only family I have now and she's my everything. She's a guard back home, and I'm a maid for the pack house, but I guess those days are over now."

"When I take over your pack," he replied sharply, "You will be Luna."

My heart would have soared at that, he was finally accepting me. He acknowledged me as his future Luna and that made my heart swell with such happiness. It was a shortlived happiness. Because I knew he wouldn't be attacking my pack.

I would.

"What about you?" I asked, changing the subject.

He frowned slightly, "My past goes on for hundreds of years. It's not one to share."

He didn't want to tell me.

I sighed, "Ok."

"I want to tell you," he said quickly, "But not tonight. We have a long life together, I don't wish to spoil our first dinner as mates with a terrible story. Perhaps tomorrow."

I smiled weakly, knowing that story would never come.

"You're disappointed," he stated.

I shrugged, "No, it's ok. I understand."

"I was not born a rogue," he suddenly said, "But a bastard of an alpha. My mother's own mate had died, and my alpha at the time was a horrible one who believed he shouldn't be tired down to just one female. So, his mate was kept as a hostage of his home while he kept a group of concubines. When my mother became pregnant with a male, and at this point his own mate didn't have such luck, he replaced his mate with my mother."

Tears filled my eyes, "Oh Phoenix."

Leaning forward, he swept his thumb under my eye and smiled slightly, "This is why I didn't wish to say anything. Don't cry for me my dragon, it was such a long time ago."

I sniffled, and nodded, "Please tell me more."

"Are you sure?" he whispered, "We can talk about anything else."

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