Chapter Seven: Dinner with a king.

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Take what you want, Post Malone ft. Travis Scott ft. Ozzy Osbourne

Chapter Seven: Dinner with a king.

Once dinner time rolled around, Dawn handed me another fancy dress which I pulled on. This one was a long black dress covered in little diamonds. It was out of character for wolves to dress up in such fancy attire. Only the council did such things, but I guessed Storm liked to act like a royal.

"You look gorgeous Wyren and oh goddess your hairs beautiful," she gushed.

I giggled, rolling my eyes, "You talk like I'm the moon goddess."

"Not the moon goddess," she laughed, "But someone worthy of my alpha."

My giggle died as my eyes widened. She sent me a wink then tugged me up my by hand. My wolf howled in delight at her words but I couldn't agree. I was many things but I don't think I would ever be worthy of Storm. Or maybe not ever in his eyes.

"Come on," she said warmly, "The king awaits his queen."

I gulped. Following her back down those stairs and towards the doors to the dining area. But at the bottom of the stairs, a sense of dread hit me and I found myself stopping. Dawn paused, looking back at me with concern.

"Are you alright?" she asked.

I placed one hand on my chest, my wolf whining at my sadness.

"I don't think I can do this," I whispered as fear filled me, "I don't think I want to do this."

"Oh Wyren," she breath softly, reaching for me.

I took a step back up the stairs shaking my head. He wanted to have this dinner for a reason – one that would only benefit himself. What if he killed my entire pack? Or worse, held my sister's life against me. Why else would he want to re-discuss helping me?

"You don't have to be afraid of him," she said gently, her hands raised in defense.

I laughed bitterly, "And yet you have to say that over and over again. Like you're trying to trap me here. Like you're trying to lure me into something dangerous."

"That's not it!" she snapped.

My eyes widened at her anger and I could sense her wolf. The black beast bared her teeth at my own wolf and yet...her rank was that of an omega. Any beta ranking she had came from her mate bonding.

"You can't win in a fight against me," I realized out loud, "You can't fight at all."

"I don't like fighting anyways. My previous rank doesn't matter. I'm a rogue now not in a pack. Barry picked me over any wolf. He could have had a warrior but he didn't want that. He wanted me and if you would just give Phoenix a chance you would see he wants you too. He just doesn't know how to say that," she reasoned softly.

Phoenix. Phoenix Storm king of rogue.

My wolf shivered in delight with hearing his true name. I clenched my hand and relaxed a little. My heart was going wild and I felt like I could barely stand. I was afraid, and angry and I was filled with desire. Desire for a male who'd for sure kill me.

I felt sick.

"And if he doesn't?" I demanded, "If you're wrong and your alpha is just another terrible rogue destined to cause pain and suffering? What then?"

She opened her mouth but then paused. Her eyes growing as wide as saucers as they landed on something behind me. As soon as she did I smelled it – I smelt him. Fear filled me as I slowly turned around.

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