Chapter Six: Ice cream promise.

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Better Days, Hedley.

Chapter six: Ice cream promise.

Dawn had told me to rest for the night and I unfortunately agreed. My wounds weren't yet healed, and along with all the pain in my face now I just didn't want to move let alone leave. Not to mention the strain on my wolf from his words was horrible.

"I won't help you." He growled, anger seeping in his words like venom, "Get off my land or you will be hunted down and sent back to your pack in pieces. My land has no place for a wolf like you."

I sighed softly at the memory. My wolf hasn't even let out a whimper since I got up. I've never imagined the pain I would be in and I know now I shouldn't even have come. Instead, I should have gone to the council and begged.

Instead I met my monster of a mate, got my ass handed to me and now am most likely going to be hunted down and be sent back to my pack "in pieces" and for what? I got no progress. I have no idea what the moon goddess was thinking when she created my life. But it was my own fault I guess. This is what I got for seeking out the king of rogue.

"It'll be ok," I whispered to my wolf, rubbing my chest, "we'll figure it out."

A knock on my door brought my attention up. I could smell Dawn outside the door and I instantly relaxed. I didn't care that she was a rogue, she was kind and she had a kind heart. Right now, it was all that was keeping me sane.

"C-Come in," I said loudly, keeping tears from falling.

The door opened and Dawn walked in. She looked much better than I did – her short black hair was neatly brushed back, and she wore a pair of faded blue jeans and a white tank top. I saw jealous, while she looked like a million bucks I looked like shit.

"Good morning," she said warmly.

I could only nod.

She sat beside me on the bed and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, "I was thinking that today I could take you around the pack? Meet a few people?"

Instantly I frowned, "Um no, I can't do that. He told me to leave so I'm leaving. I'm sorry Dawn but I'm not a guest here and I didn't come here to vacation."

"I-I know that but you have to know he didn't mean it. He's just upset th–"

"–that what? That I'm pathetic because I need help to save my sister? Fine. Then I'm leaving and I am going to find someone else to help me. Your alpha can go to hell!" I snarled.

She cowered back slightly and the door swung open. My eyes widened as beta Bear stormed in. Instantly his eyes narrowed on me. My eyes dropped slightly, and I could feel my wolf. Despite her heartbreak I could feel her unease as well.

"Bear, it's ok," Dawn said softly.

He growled, "You will not talk to my mate like that."

I nodded quickly, my eyes lifting to him. Good goddess, I didn't want him to kill me before I left – I had to be careful. She was still Beta mate even if she did come off as a friend. Her rank was higher than mine and I needed to honor that.

"Bear!" she sighed loudly, "It's ok. Stop scaring her."

"Then don't let her bully you – damn it Dawn you're not an omega so don't act like one."

At that I chuckled bitterly, "Looks like talking down to your mate is a regular thing in this pack – or is it just a rogue thing?"

"And what does a pack rat know about rogue?" he demanded lowly.

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