Chapter thirteen: Almost a normal mate.

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THE STRANGER, Ingrid Andress

Chapter thirteen: Almost a normal mate.

From the pile of clothing he had given me, I picked a blue, lace sleeved sundress to wear. The dress was perfect because it covered all my bandages and fit comfortably. Despite not wanting to be in alpha asshole's company, I enjoyed the clothing given to me.

Then, I quickly washed my face and brushed my hair. Brushing my hair however, became too much of a hassle, so I settled for tying it back into a high bun. Once I was finished, I dragged myself slowly down the hall and to his office.

Hesitating slightly, I lifted my hand to knock.

"Come in little dragon," Phoenix said calmly.

I obeyed, opening the door. Peering around his office, I spotted him behind his desk looking over a pile of papers. It surprised me, the sight. He almost looked like a normal alpha in such a state. His eyes dragged up and met with mine before he cocked his head slightly.

"Are you going to stand there or come in?"


I walked in and plopped down on the couch in front of his desk. He nodded, satisfied then turned his attention back to his papers. I took this time to admire his office – each of the three walls were covered with shelves and books. The forth (the one behind him) had a large window that showed out to the training field in the short distance.

Other than the bookshelves, the office was quite plain. With an oak desk, office chair and a bright, red couch in front of it he had nothing else in the office. It was boring in my opinion but I guessed interior design wasn't high on his to do list.

Speaking of...

"Your does it pay for things?" I asked curiously.

"Why do you care?" he mused, not looking up from his papers.

I shrugged, my eyes dropping.

"My pack doesn't pay for things," he sighed tiredly, "I do. I built my land to be a place of freedom to those banished from packs. Thus, all funds are covered by me, as each wolf gets a weekly allowance to spend on whatever they please. However, by doing this I have established a barter system among my wolves. I handle all financial aspects and they focus on living."

My eyes widened surprised. That was...incredible humble of him.

"It also strikes loyalty among my wolves; thus, more are willing to fight for me."

And he ruined it. 

He was a manipulative, dangerous rogue. I couldn't forget that. My stomach growled quietly, and my cheeks flushed. Instantly, my eyes darted to Phoenix. He didn't even flinch, and I relaxed slightly. I'm glad he didn't hear that – that would have been embarrassing.

I swung my legs softly against the couch and wondered when we'd be going to eat. I was hungry but I didn't want to tell him that. Fighting made me hungry – I hoped there was bacon. Bacon was my favourite for any meal.

Suddenly he stood, making me pause and glance at him curiously.

"Dinner's ready," he hummed, "Let's go."

"Are you done your paper stuff?" I asked, tilting my head slightly.

His grey eyes watched me, "For now however, I am hungry enough my stomach will growl soon. So let us go and eat. I'm sure you're hungry as well."

I blushed, "I-I could eat I guess."

"Then we agree on something for once," he muttered, opening the door.

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