Chapter Three: Don't look back.

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Outsiders, AuRa

Chapter Three: Don't look back.

I walked in my human form for a little bit. The earthy smell tickled my nose in a pleasant way. I preferred my human form for the same reason I would never be able to be a fighter. My wolf was cursed.

One quality werewolves are supposed to have was being able to heal almost instantly in our wolf form and faster than humans in our human form. All except for mine apparently. I could heal faster than humans in my human form, but my wolf didn't. At all.

I was a pathetic excuse of a wolf.

My fists balled as my jaw clenched. I would do whatever I could to save my sister. I was supposed to be her protector and even if I couldn't fight, I would find a way. My wolf growled lowly at my words, but I ignored it. She could be mad all she likes; it was the truth.

A howl cut through the brisk air making me freeze. It was then the scent hit me. Rogues. Instantly, my bag fell from my back and I shifted. Ripping my clothing in the process. My wolf couldn't compare to a normal wolf, but my human form would be even worse.

I knew I had to get away. My paws dug into the dirt as I turned away from the noise. I could smell them which meant they could definitely smell me. I had to get away or I'd never get the chance to save Amber.

I saw a flash of brown before something slammed into me. I let out a wheezy snarl as my snout slammed into a nearby tree. Pain flared out in my head as I struggled to get back up. Teeth dug into my shoulder. Panic riddled me as I struggled to free myself, teeth grazed my throat.

I couldn't die. I let out a long, throaty wail as my vision began to swim. Tears dripped down my fur as my fight melted away. My wolf began to sink into an unconscious state and I was quickly following after.

The weight was then gone. A flash of dark fur ran in front of me forcing me to look up. A wolf stood larger than any wolf I've ever seen. Grey eyes flashed in front of me and the wolf let out a low, threatening growl. I whimpered, then I fell into darkness.

I looked up at the dark, night sky. The moon was full and the sky was clear.

It was peaceful tonight.

Alpha groaned, causing me to turn my head. My eyes widened in horror as he planted his seed into the poor girl then flung her away like a used rag. The poor girl's face turned, and she looked directly at me. Looking at me with familiar blue eyes, and knotted red locks. A sob broke free of my lips and she shook her head.

"Sister," she whispered, "It' ok. I know you were too weak to save me."

Too weak...


"No!" I wailed throwing my body upwards.

My eyes popped open and I looked around desperately look. Amber – where was she? Recent memories filled my mind and I realized I still had time. It was only a nightmare. However, I then realized I should not be in a bed but outside and I surveyed the room I was in.

It was a pure white room. With crème coloured walls, a light beige carpeted floor and a bed. With white sheets, white pillows and a white throw over. This was not my pack, and this was not any packs near us. smelled so good. Like fresh rain and spices.

I slid out of the bed, wincing at the pain in my shoulder and the ringing in my ears. I noticed my body was still nude and with a pang in my heart I realized I had also lost my bag. With shaky legs I made my way to the door. Only to have it swing open in my face.

A yelp flew from my lips as I fell onto my ass, with wide eyes I stared up at the door.

Standing there was a short female with brown eyes and short black hair. I tried to smell her but the scent of rain and spices was so overwhelming I couldn't smell anything else. The female didn't seem to be bothered, just smiled down at me kindly.

"Where am I?" the words came out as fearful whispers and for that I scolded myself.

She tilted her head slightly, then held her hand down towards me, "My name is Dawn, you're in the Shadow wolf pack. It's nice to meet you my lady."

I let her pull me up before I shivered slightly, confused, "I-I've never heard of the Shadow pack – which council are you under? What rank are you?"

She giggled, handing me a pile of clothes, "I am mate of Beta Bear. This pack rules under no council but I promise you are safe here. No packs will hurt you, those wolves know only death lays east."


I swallowed the lump in my throat and took a step back. Throwing on the large white button up she had given me. The scent of ran and spices clung to the shirt in an almost too alluringly way. She was definitely higher rank than me, I was only just above omega. Yet she addressed me like I was higher? This place made no sense.

It was impossible they didn't survive under a council. Only rogues ignored the reign of the councils. My own thoughts had me freezing in terror. I could feel my eyes drag back to the female and my wolf growled lowly.

"No pack will hurt you, those wolves know only death lays east."

"This is the rogue pack," I whispered in horror.

She nodded, "You are safe here. We won't hurt you."

She was kind but I was sure it was only a trap. The rogues were cruel and vicious – there was no reason for them to be kind to me. I just needed to give them a reason not to kill me. Not until I met with their alpha.

He needed to help me, Amber needed to live.

"P-Please," I whispered, tears dripping down my face, "Please don't kill me. Not until I've met with your alpha. I need to talk to him as soon as possible."

She tilted her head, those warm brown eyes sparkling, "We've given you no reason to trust us but I will promise you that can be arranged. Please stay in this room a little longer."

Then she turned on her heels and left. As soon as the door closed a new wave of worry and panic filled me. I didn't trust her words – I was sure she would inform her mate I was awake. Then, he would come and finish what that rogue in the forest had started.

I needed to find their alpha on my own, and I needed to do it now. 

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