Chapter eleven: Watch me bleed.

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Hold Me Down: Halsey

Chapter eleven: Watch me bleed.

Of course, of course that asshole of an alpha and piece of shit mate would make a spectacle out of killing me. I sighed as Layla continued with the rules. Phoenix had dragged me out of the pack house and back to that stupid field.

Where he announced that he and I would fight.

"You will stay in human form until I say so," Layla continued.

I glanced over at Phoenix were he was stretching. He was, of course, shirtless. He had his arms above his head lazily but I could see the sharp glint in his eyes. With a sinking feeling I knew he would be taking this fight seriously.

"You may begin," Layla called.

Glancing around I realized the entire pack must be here.


Phoenix and I walked towards each other. He walked calmly where I tripped and just narrowly missed face planting. My face flushed as I scrambled to collect myself and did my best to ignore the snickers from the crowd. Mainly from that blonde bimbo whose name was too irrelevant to remember.

Ha, take that you thot.

"It's not too late to back down," alpha asshole said lowly.

I narrowed my eyes, "I won't. Not if it means turning my back on my sister. Or my pack."

"How noble of you," he sighed as if fighting me caused him heartache.

"It's not too late for you to back down," I snap, throwing his words back in his face.

His eyes hardened and he swung towards me. I gasped, back stepping. My nose narrowly missing his knuckles. Panic and fear rocked through me as I reminded myself of what I fought for. Who I fought for.

And so I fought back.

As his hand darted out towards my chest, I let him shove me. It wasn't hard, but it wasn't soft either. It did, however, give me all of five seconds to clasp my hand around his arm. And, using my feminine charm that the goddess had given me, I dug my nails into his flesh.

He grunted taken off guard, and stumbled forward slightly. As my next opportunity arose, I moved towards his face swinging my fist. Unfortunately, it didn't go as planned, as the only thing that crunched was my own bones.

Hot tears welted in my eyes, and I jumped back. Cradling my now throbbing hand I cursed his beautiful face and whatever it was made out of. Damn man must be Wolverine or something because his face had no faults after my swing.

He smirked at me, "What to try again? I won't even try to move my face next time."

"Oh fuck you," I snapped, my wolf snarling.

His smirk melted away into a scowl and he moved towards me. I blinked, watching as he moved as smooth as silk. It was amazing for such a large man. My wolf yelped, and my amazement ran out when I realized how quickly he was moving.

His hand snaked around my head, and he yanked my pony tail. A gasp escaped my lips then was lost as his hand snapped towards my knee. Popping it out of the socket. Both my wolf and I were panting. Trying not to scream.

My legs gave out, and I realized there was no way I'd win. Actually, I think I was going to die. This couldn't get any worse.

"Ok," Layla called. I filled with hope – will she stop this? "Shift."

And just like that my hope dissolved into pure fear. I swung my head towards Phoenix only, I was now staring face to face at a black wolf much larger than Layla's – as big as a car! A snarl tore through his muzzle and he lunged towards me.

I shrieked, my good leg flying up to kick him in the mouth. He paused, momentarily stunned and I took that moment to shift. I shifted into my small wolf that fit perfectly under his standing figure. His head titled slightly to watch me. His wolf was attracted to mine I realized.

This, I could use to my advantage.

I allowed my wolf full control, I could only trust this to her. She was more than happy to take over and now she felt no pain. She yipped in delight, wagging her tail like a dog. He took a step back, and my wolf ran around him before tripping. Phoenix growled, nuzzling my side.

A new growl cut through the air.

"Natalia! Don't you dare!" Layla snarled through the air.

I turned just in time to be tackled down by a brown wolf. Her canines dug into my flesh and my wolf's anger broke. My blood boiled under my skin and all I could see was red. Fire. Flames. A vicious snarl tore through my lips and I didn't recognize myself. Was this my wolf?

A cry of pain escaped Natalia, and the fangs left my flesh.

I turned, shifting out of my wolf's form and into my nude, human form. My feet hit the grass then my legs crumbled as pain grasped me. All eyes were directed towards me but I realized they weren't on me but the human form in front of me.

I gasped, my eyes widening at what I saw. Instantly, disgust and fear rolled through me and I bent to the side and threw up all the bacon I had previously eaten. Had I done that to her? I was sure I had but what...what did I do?

"Get Natalia to Izan's now!" Phoenix's voice cut through the air like a knife, "You are all dismissed."

I glanced at her face once more. Bile rose again but I couldn't tear my gaze away. Half her face starting at her jaw had been melted. Like she had acid thrown at her or rather like she bit into a barrel of acid.

"Oh goddess," Amber breathed looking past my form and at the puddle of melted fur, flesh and bone.

I blinked once, then twice then began to fall forward.

I was confused and hurt. They had hurt me all over. They had gotten covered in my blood.

My wolf had punished them for that.

I was the acid.

At the thought I began to shake. My eyes were wide and panicked as I realized I really did have a moon curse. Phoenix approached me with his hands up. His face was soft with caution and...something else. Something warm.

"Wyren," he spoke quietly, reaching for me.

I panicked, "N-No! Don't touch me!"

He pulled back but determination set on his face, "You will not harm me."

"You don't know that. My blood...I could kill you Phoenix. I-I don't want to kill you," I whimpered shutting my eyes.

"It was a defensive tactic. I thought your gift would come out if I angered you, I'm sorry for that however Natalia got what she deserved. I have rules in my pack, stepping forward during a fight is strictly against them," he tried to explain, "But I know you won't hurt me. I know because I know my wolf would never hurt you. And I know your wolf feels the same. It pains him – it pains us, to see you like this."

"Stay away from me," I whispered, my eyes looking up at him as tears ran down his face.

"I will not," he growled softly, "If you wish to melt me then do so. But I will not obey your orders."

Then his arms were around me, scooping me up. I screamed, trying to fight myself free. Only stopping when I realized he was right. I wasn't hurting him. Not even a little bit. Relief flooded me until I realized something else.

We were both entirely naked.

Then I was burning for an entirely different reason. 

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