Chapter Eighteen: a healing heart

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I'm going to start working on this story again so yay!  

Chapter Eighteen: a healing heart

True to his words, I did not have dinner with Phoenix nor did he sleep with me. While I still stayed in his room, Layla had informed me that my mate would be sleeping elsewhere. I couldn't help but think maybe he was with Natalia. Both my wolf and myself felt heartbroken.

I curled into my side, birds sang on the window edge. I sniffled lightly, perhaps Phoenix and I just weren't meant to be. I wasn't sure what the Goddess was thinking but this simply wasn't our story. It hurt more than any wound I had ever felt, and I was sure this would heal much slower. I sighed softly.

After returning from yesterday, I had barricaded myself in this room and refused to talk to anyone. But I knew I couldn't do this all day, and so I pulled myself up before pulling on a short, white sundress. As I brushed my wild red locks, I thought of the vision of yesterday.

What had happened?

Maybe I was going insane.

With a heavy sigh, I shook the thought from my mind and opened the door. In front of the door dressed in a pair of sweats and sports bra was Layla. She looked beautiful, a sweat making her dark skin glow and her golden eyes tinkering with amusement.

"Look who finally comes out," she commented.

I rolled my eyes, "I smell bacon."

"Ah yes. The Alpha made sure to keep that in stock just for you," she replied.


My heart hurt again, and I frowned. I doubted her words, there was nothing he would do for me. Unless it benefited his own self or pack. I was to start kindness training today so maybe that's why he was being so kind.

I didn't understand why he even gave me choices, why not just use that gift of his?

Pushing that scary thought from my mind, I moved down to the dining room. Dawn was already there, and handed me a plate when I got into the room. I smiled at her, grateful before Natalia walked in flanked by her dumb duo.

"Uh that food is for pack members only," Erica cackled.

My eyes rolled and I ignored them.

Natalia however, pulled the female back, "Shut up Erica. Eat and mind your own business."

We all stared at her in shock. The female just made her own plate before leaving the room. Allowing Erica and Payton to scramble after her. Once she was gone, the room went back to minding their own business. Beside me Layla whistled lowly.

"It seems you earned her respect," she muttered.

Dawn nodded, "But how?"

I shook my head, "I have no idea."

Breakfast continued. Dawn and Layla both sat with me and after breakfast we just continued to talk. Well until the room was cleared. I learned Layla came from a pack that used their woman as slaves. The mate bond was ignored and when she was mated with their alpha, he locked her away as his own personal baby-maker. She ended up escaping and finding the Shadow Wolf Pack. Well, Phoenix didn't take her original pack lightly and ended up destroying it. Anyone guilty of the slavery was killed, and the others were let go.

"Wow," I whispered.

She nodded, "I found out about my gift after beginning my training. Our Alpha has a kind heart, but he has his own troubles in expressing that compassion."

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