Chapter fifteen: I Spy.

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Chapter fifteen: I Spy.

Unfortunately, it wasn't long before Dawn was leaving me in the Alpha's bedroom with a farewell. It reminded me of my impending doom as the severity of the situation hit me. Just like that slap in the face. A groan slipped from my lips as I buried my head into one of the many pillows. I had assaulted the rogue alpha king.

"I'm going to die," I muttered softly.

The door suddenly swung open, and in the doorway that very king. He was silent, but from where I lay I could feel the anger radiating off him in thick waves. My throat restricted as I swallowed a forming lump in my airway.

"So," I said softly, trying to pretend I wasn't so scared, "You're going to punish me?"

His eyes flickered over to me but he said nothing. Instead, he just crossed the room to the closet. Where, he disappeared inside. I frowned, sitting up almost instantly. Since when did he act so calm and collected? My heart was hammering with fear as I waited. Then, he stepped back into the room dressed in a fresh pair of clothes.

"We will not be having dinner together tonight," he then informed, "I have an issue to deal with and so I cannot. I suppose this means you are free to do what you want for tonight."

I frowned, "That's it? That's my punishment? I'm on timeout?"

"What?" he demanded, "Why do you assume this is a punishment? Unless you do enjoy our dinners together. However, I thought I was a weak alpha and one who you didn't deem worth your time. Do us both a favor and stay here. Go to bed."

I froze at his words. My face heated.

Then, he was leaving towards the door. My wolf whimpered and I could feel tears pricking in my eyes. It hurt more, the possibility that I had hurt his feelings. It hurt because he was right, I did care about him. I hated that fact but we were mates and we couldn't escape this bond.

"Damn it," I hissed.

I slid from the bed and towards the door. He deserves an apology. I had no right being so awful to him and he wasn't a weak alpha. I was quick, finding his office door before I had the chance to change my mind. However, I held back from knocking. His scent was old—he wasn't here.

"Where did you go Phoenix?" I whispered softly.

Deciding to answer my own question, I moved down the stairs. It was weird, the pack house was empty—I couldn't even find Dawn's scent here. Where was everyone? My wolf growled, a sinking feeling in my gut told me something wasn't right.

"Can you find him?" I whispered to her.

She howled in responds, she was confident in her abilities. So, I stepped outside and shifted. The shift was the same as normal, I could feel my bones cracking then reforming and within seconds I was in my wolf form. My eyes shut briefly as I pushed away the slight pain we were in. Then, I let her take over.

She let out a howl—a piercing one that cut through the air. Normally, the sound would have been embarrassing but there was no wolves even outside. I could feel the bond around us, a golden ribbon that wrapped so carefully around us. What was this?

What are you doing? Bear's voice cut through my mind with pure anger.

I blinked, swinging my head around to find the voice. How could I hear a pack member? I wasn't part of this pack so my wolf shouldn't have heard his voice. Yet, it was as clear as day. It filled me with even more confusion.

I-I'm looking for Phoenix I replied testing this new connection.

He growled loudly, Go back inside. Now.

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