Chapter Four: An unwelcome group.

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In a hopeful mood, so extra the updates this week, hehehe. 

My House, Flo Rida

Chapter Four: An unwelcome group.

The moment I open the door, I realize the rest of the large, house is nothing like the room I was in. The hall for example, was a warm light tan colour and the floor had worn out rustic boards. I crept down the hall, quickly finding a large window that showed to the outside world.

This rogue pack was like no other rogue story I had ever heard of. In fact it looked like a normal pack – even one of the council member's packs. In the vast meadow-like space, I could see smaller cottages built around the large house. Vibrant gardens and rock pathways showed these rogue weren't only civilized but also have been like this for a while.

This hurt my brain.

Chatter perked in my ears making my wolf whine lowly. With no other options, I pushed the window wide open then push myself out the window. Below me, the ground rushed up at me and a scream tore from my lips.

A split second before I hit the ground, my wolf snarled tearing through my skin and my shirt. I landed on my paws. As I did it seemed all my wounds reopened and began to gush blood. Instantly faces turned towards me, nostrils flaring.

They knew I wasn't a rogue, I realized, my wolf letting out a threatening growl.

No one moves towards me however and a few back up. It confuses me even more and I bolt for the tree line in the distance. Something was going on here and I don't think I liked it. It was as if they were refraining from approaching me.


It spooked me and my wolf. Were we being dragged into a horror movie? What if they were waiting until I ran out of here then I'd be what they hunted? A shiver ran down my spine – I wouldn't go down without a fight that was sure. Even if I was a weak wolf.

I bolted forwards, towards the tree line. It took me almost two minutes to reach them and in those two minutes no one approached me. I could even see wolves on what looked like guard duty step back. Away from me.

That had me digging my paws into the dirt and coming to a complete halt. I back up a step, then another. My eyes are wide and wild as I realize this place has me completely trapped in. How quickly would it take them to tear me apart? How quickly to rip my heart free from my chest?

A whimper tore through my lips as I caught a new scent. The sweet scent of a beta. Turning on my heels I caught glimpse of Dawn walking towards me with a man at her hip. He's a large, bulky man with blazing eyes and a scowl on his face. His skin is tanned and marred with scars, and he wears his hair in a buzz cut. Power reeks off him and I realize he is much stronger than my own alpha.

My limbs are pulled to the ground as my tail tucks between my legs. I submit quickly to the man hoping he will hear me out and not kill me where I beg. Fear racks through my body as I realize he is only second in command. What monster ranks over him? I don't think I wanted to find that out anymore...

"Oh! Your wounds are opened again," Dawn gasps rushing over to me.

I flinch from her touch but remind myself not to move. My eyes stay locked on the beta and his eyes just stare down at me with a deep scowl. Dawn says something to her mate and he let's out an annoyed breath before pulling his shirt off. She smiles brightly at him before placing it in front of me.

"You're losing a lot of blood in that form," she whispered softly, gently, "Shifting back will help. I don't understand why you're not healing – we can look further into it back at the house."

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