Chapter five: the rogue king is my...!

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Runaway, AURORA

Chapter five: the rogue king is my...!

As the sun sank down over the horizon the door swung open. My eyes rose as Dawn entered and held out another pile of clothes towards me. It was time to meet their alpha and I certainly couldn't do it wearing an over-sized T-shirt.

I pulled off her mate's shirt quietly, and pulled on the nude colour panties and bra. Only mildly surprised that the sizes had been spot on. Then I pulled on the white cocktail dress she had also added to the pile.

Facing her I could see she was satisfied by how I looked and I took a quick breath to rein in any feelings that had my limbs shaking. Dawn sent me a reassuring smile that did little to sooth me. Instead, my wolf practically paced back and forth. She was ready for a fight – anything to prove my worth to this alpha.

"The alpha cleared out the pack house for today, so it will be only you and him at dinner. Don't let him scare you, I promise you he means so harm," she whispered softly as I followed her into the hall.

I smiled bitterly, "For a man who doesn't mean me any harm you sure vouch for him a lot."

"I-I just mean he means well," she gasped, her cheeks turning red.

I stayed silent until we reached the living room. Standing in the living room, I could now see a few doors – a pair of double doors being one of them. I inhaled deeply, the smell of spaghetti and meatballs assaulted my nose. Instantly my mouth filled with drool.

"You can go right on in, our alpha's already inside waiting," she told me.

I swallowed the lump in my throat then nodded. My feet moved slowly towards the door, my wolf paced inside me nervously. This was one moment where everything mattered. I would make this alpha – the rogue king – save my sister and if he didn't, I would find someone who would.

Once I reached the door, I realize Dawn is not following me. Instead, she's planted her feet firmly on the bottom step of the stairs. I stare at her blankly before she sends me a reassuring smile.

"The alpha wants to meet with you alone," she tells me.



I don't like the thought of that idea. Dawn must have seen the panic in my eyes because she laughs softly before walking over to me. She grasps both my hands in hers and gives them a gentle squeeze. I can feel my eyes widen at the kind gesture and even my wolf has paused to watch the female.

"I promise you it will be ok," she says warmly, "the alpha won't hurt you."

I sighed then nodded, "I should go in."

It had to be done.

She lets my hands go and takes a step back, "I'll wait for you out here ok? Would that make you feel a bit better?"

I nod slowly, it would knowing at least this female cares about my well being. Enough to go against her alpha's orders to clear the pack house at least. It's suspicious behaviour but so far, the female has given me no reason to distrust her.

"Thank you," I say instead then turn on my heels and push the door open.

I step into the room, allowing the door to shut behind me and seal my fate. This dining room has darker lighting, with a dim glow. I blink a few times before my wolf's eyes adjust and they scan the room. I take in the overly large oak table, the matching chairs and finally they drag up to the male who is seated at the head of the table.

Instantly, the smell of fresh rain and spices almost overwhelms the delicious smell of spaghetti and meatballs. My cheeks heat as does the rest of my body once my eyes land on his own glowing grey orbs. Then in a single moment I can feel my wolf reach out for him. My knees feel weak as my wolf howls with joy and in that moment I realize the truth. Why Dawn acts as if I out rank her. Why the pack did nothing when I ran. And why they were so kind to me.

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