Chapter eight: Substitute teacher.

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Lush Life, Zara Larsson

Chapter eight: Substitute teacher.

"I-I don't understand," I babble, laughing nervously, "I can't fight. Like, I'm barely missing being an omega. How can I save my sister? I need an alpha to save my sister – or someone of equal strength of an alpha. Which, in case you haven't noticed I don't have."

He tilts his head slightly, "Not right now you do not. But I will personally train you until it is time you go back to your pack. I will train you to be even stronger than an alpha. I will even allow you to leave and never return to my land again. I will not pursuit you, I will not harm you and most importantly I will not demand you be my mate."

"Fine," I can't help but start laughing at his words, "Let's say you succeed. What do you get out of it?"

He grins, showing off his pearly canines making my laughter die down, "Until the very day you leave I want you to have dinner with me and share my room at night."

My face burned as my wolf purred in excitement, "You're disgusting! I am no whore!"

"You misunderstand," he sighs like I'm stupid, "I only mean to rest foolish female. By agreeing to train you my wolves must think it is because of the mate bond. Thus, it would be strange for you to be sleeping anywhere else but my room. Rest assured I have zero attraction to you, honestly I think you're pathetic and average in beauty."

I frowned unsure if I should be pleased or disappointed.

"Your answer Wyren? I do not have all night."

"Fine," I say quietly knowing there was no getting out of this, "But why would you want to have dinner with me every night? Why help me at all?"

He rolls his eyes, "I have my own reasons."

"I suppose I will see you tonight then mate," he chuckles, standing.

I swallow the lump in my throat, "A-And tomorrow training will start?"

"Of course," he grins, his eyes hard and cold, "I cannot go back on my word. Oh, and if you decide to break our agreement do not think I will hesitate to kill you."

He leaves the room, knocking shoulders with me on his way out and suddenly I'm overcome with a cold and lonely feeling. Willing myself not to cry I remember Dawn had left for the evening. I am alone in this massive house with the devil himself it feels like.

My wolf whimpers in pain and I rub my still healing shoulder. A sigh escapes my lips and I find myself looking up at the ceiling – why had the goddess done this to me? I was pathetic and weak and yet she gave me a heartless and strong mate. We were no match so why lump us together?

I didn't want to doubt my goddess, but it didn't make any sense.

Eventually, I had the courage to get up and venture out of the dining room. Remembering what Dawn had said I slowly made my way up to the third floor. I guess it was easy to find his room. Despite the floor being massive, there was only three doors. One being the bathroom, the next being the bedroom I was in and finally the last one being a study.

When I opened the door to the study however, I was met with those grey eyes. Frowning slightly, I began to feel confused and flustered. He placed the file he was holding down and propped his face in his hand, "Looking for something?"

"Y-Your room," I said quickly, "Like we agreed."

"You already know where my room is," he chuckled darkly, "Or have you forgotten already?"

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