Chapter Nineteen: Feelings and Heat

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Stole the Show ~ Parson James

Chapter Nineteen: Feelings and Heat

I stood in front of all the warriors, butterflies fluttered around my stomach and I felt unsure. To my left was Layla and to my right was Phoenix and they brought me comfort but not enough. Not when I stood in front of all of his warriors. A bunch of muscular, brutes of men and woman who looked like I was an incest that had just scuttered across their floor. Such cold eyes.

"Wyren will be training you all mentally," Phoenix continued filling them in, "Because I have learned in the past weeks that where we excel, we also fall short. We will be trained to be kinder, our hearts stronger."

Instantly protests broke out.

"Why?" "This is ridiculous!"

"Kindness won't protect us." "She has made you weak."

"Enough," Phoenix snarled.

I tried not to flinch, I really tried but their words were wrong. Phoenix didn't care enough about me for me to make him emotionally weak. I was nothing but a tool for him and that I had to focus on. I had to train them so he would continue training me. I had to be stronger.

And so did he.

"Is Rocky's mom here?" I asked the crowd softly.

A female stepped forward, "Yes."

She showed me what I was looking for. A softness to her eyes the moment I said her son's name. Instantly, I smiled. She looked hard, her hair short for fighting, scars decorated her body but that glint. That softness in her eyes.

"Can anyone who is a parent step forward?" I asked.

"What's this about?" a male snapped, impatient.

I frowned, my cheeks heating. Layla stepped forward, her eyes narrowing on the male. She marched over to him silently, as if not wanting to interrupt me. Then, she grabbed him by the neck, whispering something so quietly my wolf didn't quite catch it. But his face paled and he nodded. She let him go, and he didn't speak out again. Once her back was turned to him, her eyes flickered to me and she nodded.

It was enough.

I sighed softly before raising my voice, "Twice a week everyone who isn't a parent will assist a child's family. Those who are pregnant and already have kids will be the first aided then those who are single mothers and so on. Twice a week for an hour each time."

"Why?" Rocky's mother asked.

I looked over at her and smiled, "Because of your son. He is growing up knowing that at any moment his pack will be attacked and his mother might die defending his home. He is surrounded by warriors who are, honestly scary."

They snickered at that.

"And," I interrupted them, "You all are taught to fight for the image of your pack but you don't know your pack. You don't know humble. You don't know kindness. But you will, eventually."

A female snickered, stepping forward, "And if we refuse?"

"I'll accept a challenge," I replied keeping my head high, "But will you?"

No one wanted to fight a monster. So no one argued back. After that, Phoenix took over. Assigning wolves to their respected families for one hour starting now. I was amazed, he knew each and every name of each mother and child in his pack. I know I shouldn't have been surprised, but I was. He was...amazing.

As he talked to individual wolves, Rocky's mother stepped forward. I smiled nervously at her wondering if she'd like the idea or not but then she smiled warmly. Stepping forward to hug me. I let out a little oof as she gave me a bear hug.

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