Chapter Twenty Three: Hostile Take Over

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Chapter Twenty Three: Hostile Take Over

Marcus growled lowly, "Guards. Kill them."

No one moved. The fear was evident in the crowd. My heart hammered in my chest, I could smell them, Phoenix's warriors. It filled me with panic. They waited for Phoenix's command and yet I couldn't see him among the wolves.

"N-No!" I yelled at Marcus, "Don't hurt them!"

Marcus turned to me, rage in his eyes, "I was right. You are a rogue whore."

"What does it matter?" I cried, "Hurry up and mark me. Then they'll leave, and you'll have what you want and everything will be fixed!"

"And what about what you want?!"

We both turned, standing in the parted crowd was Phoenix in all his glory. I gasped, my wolf howling in pure happiness. Tears stung my eyes, this only made it so much painful. I had to do this, now it meant saving him too. I didn't know why he came—this wasn't worth warriors dying!

On either side.

"Who are you?" Marcus demanded, "You trespass!"

Phoenix rolled his eyes, "I am here for my mate, however I do believe you pups call me the Rogue King. My warriors call me Alpha."

"A rogue alpha?" Marcus laughed, "I've never seen something so ridiculous! You've come to fight? Fine. I will gladly rip out your throat. The council will be ecstatic!"

My mouth opened, and I knew it was too late. I had to challenge him, I-I had to do something! I straightened my back and turned to Marcus, tears dripping down my face. It didn't matter the cost, I just had to win.

"Alpha Marcus I challenge you to the title of Alpha!"

My eyes widened and I turned to where Amber stood in front of my mate. S-She challenged him. Instead of me. I looked back to Marcus who was angry beyond compare. His face turned red and he snarled, his eyes turning to me in a moment.

"I cannot wait to kill your sister then take you in front of that rogue of yours," he hissed.

Phoenix snarled, shifting. Marcus backed up, falling onto his ass. However, Phoenix didn't go after him. Instead, his mighty wolf stood in front of me. Protectively. I smiled slightly, even after I had betrayed him he still wanted me. I sniffled before looking back to Amber. I didn't want this, but I knew it was already in motion.

"I am your challenger not him," Amber snapped.

Marcus turned to her with an evil grin, "Very well. I'll rid of you first."

I gasped as he shifted, his large brown wolf clearly larger than Amber's red wolf. It worried me, but Phoenix's wolf would not let me pass. The crowd moved to give them room and the challenge began. I was breathing hard, a panic attack rising. Phoenix shifted, standing beside me. I gasped, feeling his arms wrap around me, his face beside my own.

"Do not worry my dragon," he whispered, "I would not have agreed to her plan without placing my full trust into her abilities."

I blinked, watching the two circle each other, "Her plan?"

"We travelled near your forests when a red wolf approached," he told me, "My beta found himself on his ass when he attempted to attack before realizing she smelt similar to you. Your sister is quite the warrior. She has an ability to quickly learn her enemies weak points. Bear is large but he's slow. She is fast. Almost as fast as you."

True to his words, I watched as Amber's wolf ducked under his body as he attempted to bite at her. He was going for kill shots over and over, if any of them landed, she would be killed. However, such attacks were easy to dodge, they weren't planned out. Amber had no problem dancing around him.

And yet...

"She can't win," I whispered in panic, "She's on the defensive."

I could feel him smile, "No, she's toying with him. Making him wear out."

His arms tightened around me and he rubbed his face against mine. It was strange for him to show such affection, but it was keeping my wolf calm. I relaxed slightly, and watched my sister fight. As she circled around him, I noticed his movements becoming sloppy. Marcus snarled lazily, swiping at her.

Amber snarled, before lunging at him. It was so fast I almost didn't notice it. One minute she was in front of him, the next she was behind him. His throat in her fangs. Marcus's stumbled forward before falling.

My eyes widened.

"T-The alpha is dead," Gracie cried out first.

Amber shifted, her head held high, "Anyone opposes to your new Alpha can speak now. I will gladly take on any challengers."

One by one my pack began to drop to their knees in submission. When I moved to do the same, Phoenix caught me. Holding me in place from showing my submission. I blinked, looking back at him in confusion.

"You bow to no one my Luna," he whispered.

I smiled, "I'm not your Luna yet."

"Yet?" his eyes looked so hopeful.

Another snarl cut through the air, and suddenly pain filled my body. I let out a gasp. Phoenix's human form was pushed away from me, and in a moment I was in a state of confusion. A knife was pressed to my throat, behind me Harry Bone—Marcus' beta.

"I-I should be the new alpha!" he spat, looking at Amber, "A female cannot be Alpha!"

I flinched, my wolf snarling. Phoenix looked at him bored and unbothered. I quickly realized why—my blood had begun to drip down onto the hand that held the knife. I sighed softly, it was sad to see a pack lose both an Alpha and a Beta.

"W-What is this?" Harry began crying.

He flailed around, only shaking my blood among his body from his melting hand. He melted away like acid. Phoenix walked over to me, wiping the blood off my throat with a kiss. I blushed deeply, before looking over to Amber who hurried over.

"I'm so glad you're ok!" I cried hugging her tightly.

She smiled, "More than ok you idiot."

Phoenix coughed, "Alpha Amber, I'd like to extend my congratulations. However, it is best my warriors and I leave at once. I don't want you to have any issues with the council. I'm sure you'll have enough issues as being a female Alpha. Those a few and far."

And just like that my heart sank.

Amber nodded, looking over to me tears in her eyes, "I love you very much Wyren but you found your mate, you should be with him and not worrying about me. I can take care of myself, and I want you to be happy."

I frowned, "I don't understand."

"Wyren Thorn," she said loudly, "for treason, I banish you from the Break Bone Pack."

I let out a cry, my knees buckling as hot pain seared through my mind. My wolf howled as our connections to our pack dissolved like our own acid. I was let panting, my mind blank and my wolf and I branded with the permanent stench of rogue.

Just like that all ties with my pack had ended.

I looked at Amber with wide, teary eyes, "W-Why?"

She turned away from me, "Alpha Phoenix please take your mate and go."

"Understood," Phoenix whispered.

I gasped as he threw me over his shoulder. Reality came rushing back, and my wolf howled in pure agony. T-This was my home! I was being taken from my home and my pack didn't want me any more. My sister discarded me.

I struggled in his iron grip, "N-No. No! Amber no!"

My former pack became smaller and smaller as he carried me away.

"Nooo!" I sobbed, pounding on his back. 

A/N: Final chapter is drawing near! Hehe

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