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Time seemed to fly too fast. The last thing Tsukishima new, he was drifting asleep with Y/N in his arms and now with heavy lidded eyes, he was awaken by the warm gentle rays of the sun seeping through the edges of the dark blue curtains. His blurry vision from sleep slowly tried to focus on the still sleeping Y/N, her arm lazily draped over his waist, as his was also resting over hers.

It was then that he noticed that his face was just inches away from hers. At this distance, he silently and endearingly observed every soft curl of her lashes, resting like little feathers over her eyes that were still closed in a dreamy state, her soft, rosy cheeks that he loves to see painted red everytime she's flustered, and her plump, pair of crimson velvets, hanging slightly open. She looked like an angel but he felt lonely now that he's the only one awake. He wanted to hear Y/N's voice, feel her move against him in her own will, to show him how much he really meant to her.

With a playful smirk lifting the edges of his lips, he inched closer to plant soft, gentle kisses over her forehead, then her eyelids, her puffy cheeks, and finally he felt her move under the sheets as he gently sucked on her lower lip.

"Wake up, sleepyhead." Tsukishima's voice is barely a whisper like a smooth comforting breeze passing through Y/N's ear.

Y/N let out a cute little groan of protest as she snuggled her way back into the warmth that is Tsukishima burrying her face against his chest, sliding away from the harsh chilly morning outside the covers.

The boy couldn't help but smile at Y/N's childlike antics, clinging unto him like he is one of her favorite stuffed animals. He was so elated to think that even in her sleep, Y/N still wanted to be by his side.


Y/N suddenly shot up from the bed, throwing glances around her until she laid wide eyes on the now baffled and confused Tsukishima.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" Tsukishima croaked.

Then both their heads cocked towards the bedroom door where a knock caught all their attention followed by a muffled voice.

"Young lady, your breakfast is ready." Says the middle-aged butler from the other side of their little area of privacy. Y/N internally thanked her luck knowing that her butler rarely breaks into her room without her permission.

"I-I'll be out in a minute!" Y/N stuttered, voice hoarse from sleep.

She briskly faced Tsukishima who was now frantically reaching for his glasses to put them on.

With adrenaline pumping their hearts in a manic hammering as they both scurried off of the bed, Tsukishima's puffy and squinted eyes scanned his form realizing what clothes he's in as he felt the gush of chilly air brush through his bare skin.

"My clothes." He whispered towards Y/N, who was already skillfully and silently manipulating the glass door locks like a mission impossible agent.

"Oh, shoot. Right. Your clothes." Y/N stammered breathless. With one determined step, she dashed for the bedroom door to sneak into the laundry room.

Leaning up against the wall, like an undercover detective, peaking through the crack of the door as she stealthly opened it without a sound, her figure slowly vanished as she slipped out just to come back in again after a few seconds, Tsukishima's newly washed clothes in hand.

"Wow, that was quick." The boy teased.

"C'mon. Change. Quickly." Y/N huffed shoving his clothes in his arms.

He obliged and started to strip in front of Y/N, never breaking eye contact with that smug grin still plastered on his face. Y/N was dumbfounded. Her eyes caved in after witnessing Tsukishima's well-toned body, from his broad shoulders, down his bulky upper arms, firm chest and sculpted abs, muscles heaving seductively under his pale skin.
She never imagined such a chiselled body hidden in the layers of his clothes. All this time, she only assumed that Tsukishima was skinny as well as he's tall. This was the first she got flustered at the sight of an adonis standing in front of her.

Her adonis.

With all her might, the soonest that Tsukishima had his hands pull on the waist of the shorts she lent him, she peeled her eyes away with all the effort she could muster. It's just too inappropriate to think about lewd thoughts under broad daylight, this early in the morning.

'Be gone thots'

Tsukishima saw said effort on Y/N's face staring awkwardly towards the wall, her ears cherry red peaking from the strands of hair hanging messily over it. This made him snicker, deliberately letting Y/N hear him, just to make her back hand his stomache in embarrassment.


"You could look now" Tsukishima whispered near Y/N's ear as soon as he's done, making her whip her head abruptly at the sound, their noses brushing against each other.

Like a trigger pulled out of nowhere, both Y/N and Tsukishima felt that unexplainable electricity they feel whenever they're this close to each other. There's just no getting enough of this, they thought, and they're immediately and willingly consumed by this ecstasy drawing them towards each other.

"Just this once. Then I'll go." Tsukishima's voice was quiet and soft. Eyes staring into Y/N's then down her lips, as he closed the gap, lips landing on Y/N's soft, and parted ones, just to close in as passionately. His arms hooking around her waist carrying her so they're on the same level, bringing her towards the glass door and leaning her back against it as they continued.

The timid girl was so into it, saddened by the fact that they have to be apart after this. Her thin arms draped around her lover's neck with her legs embracing his middle. Holding tight, with the thought that it'll be quite some time until she'd see Tsukishima again. She was making the most of it and so did Tsukishima.

With a heavy heart, he was the one to break the kiss, leaning his forehead against his muse as both calmed their batted breaths. Silently drinking each other in, squeezing as much time as they could out of this little secret rendezvous.


The couple slowly ninja'd around the house towards the gates, successfully sneaking Tsukishima out of the compound without the knowledge of Y/N's butler cheerfully doing his chores inside. With another quick peck, the boy waved his goodbyes and walked away with a small, gentle smile.

As soon as the gate was closed with a metallic screech echoing silently in the peaceful morning, Y/N sighed in relief. She was fully aware that she will get into trouble with her parents knowing that their young little lady has spent a night alone with a boy that they're never familiar with. Y/N can only imagine the wrath erupting from her authoritarian of a father. She was still in the midst of planning out how she would convince her father to let her stay in the country for college and accept her relationship with the only man she seems her only match, but if she gets caught now, it'll be like a quicksand too hard to get out of.

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