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The table was awfully silent, except for the minute clanging of utensils against porcelain, while the now reunited family enjoy their first evening meal together in a very long while. Although Y/N's thoughts had now scattered in places she could never fathom, her very objective at this moment was not to spark a needless conversation about her father's plan for college.

"So, honey. How's school?" Her mother was the first to break the deafening silence.

"'S okay, mom." Y/N replied bluntly, obviously trying to avoid a longer conversation in her father's audience.

"So, I've heard from your mother that you've settled better in your new school. How are the teachers there, are they indeed competent as they claimed to be?" Her father finally spoke, the intimidating tone in his voice caused Y/N to tense up.

"Y-yes. I have seen worse." Y/N rebutted.

"What did you do during the holidays?" Her mother interrogated again.

Her shoulders suddenly went a little stiff again from recalling the times she spent with Tsukishima during the holidays. She hated lying to her parents after providing her the comfort she is having now, it pains her, having to offend them in some way.

"I-I spent it with the team. We visited shrines and had a barbecue party here... at home..." She didn't entirely lie now, at least, peaking at her father to see if it was okay.

"That should've been spent on your studies, instead of dilly-dallying with other kids, who are oblivious to the fight for survival when you become adults." Her father mused, obviously displeased.

"Honey, give your daughter a little break. She deserves to enjoy her youth." Her mother scolded, making Y/N thankful to not have this kind of conversation alone with her dad.

"She's doing quite well. Didn't I tell you she's a regular player in their volleyball team? They'll be playing nationals this year." Y/N's mother beamed with pride.

"That does nothing for her credentials."

Another deafening silence filled the dinner area, after hearing the heart-crushing words of Y/N's father. Her mother can only shoot an apologetic look towards Y/N, deciding not to fan the fire that's already sparking.

"I would love to talk to you later in the study. Let me see your grades for the past semester too."

Y/N can only nod in silence in the authoritative tone of her father. She's in the pleading end, so she had to remain in her father's good side for now.


In the study where she rarely frequented, a room filled with shelves and books about economics, trades, and business, including ones on administrative management, Y/N stepped in curtly, moving towards her father seated at the table set at the center of the room with cushioned couches in front of it for business meetings during house visits.

In her hands were her grades during the last semester which she gently placed on top of his father's desk before taking a seat in one of the couches.

His father took no time in scanning through the hardened paper handed to him before voicing out his agenda for this particular 'meeting'.

"Your grades have always been impressive. Keep it up and maybe you'll land that scholarship in Berkeley, California, that we've been talking about."

"D-dad. Can't I stay here... for college? The universities here aren't that bad. You even finished your studies here and... you've been doing so well."

This is that time, it's better to do this face-to-face. It's now or never for Y/N. She wouldn't know when she could have this opportunity again.

"Y/N, how many times have we talked about this. I thought this was settled. You have enough resources to study in the best university there is, plus, me and your mother will be quick to help you out being in the same continent. A company is already waiting for you there, your parents aren't getting any younger. You need to start thinking about your responsibilities. Like I did, when I was your age."

Her father's voice wasn't angry, nor agitated. It did have a hint of frustration because of Y/N's sudden change of thoughts, but he was reprimanding out of concern.

"I know that and I haven't forgotten about that, but if staying here for college can be an option, can I?"

"What changed your mind, huh?" Voice of steal started echoing through the walls, making Y/N jump in her seat in the slightest.

"Your friends? The Volleyball Team? Y/N, it's just a club. A mere requirement for your curriculum."

"N-No, it's not. For the first time dad, I haven't felt this free and happy with my life. You wouldn't know, because you weren't always here."

Just as quick as her words floated out of her mouth like a river, her eyes immediately rose up to meet her father's now offended ones, his frame suddenly stiffened to show his stand as the head of this family. The girl's eyes now shook with panic, frantically thinking of a way to remedy the situation.

"Let me remind you that me and your mother worked tirelessly to give you a brighter future. To survive this never-ending race, that is life. You won't feel the pressure now, but you will know it once you've started fending for yourself... alone..."

Y/N badly wanted to say that she won't be alone. She'll have Tsukishima beside her, but she can't at the moment.

"Speaking of which, of course I wouldn't want my daughter to be alone for the rest of her life. I found you a more decent friend, a son of one of my friends in the business. His name is Stephen Matsumoto, he's japanese, but he's born and raised in America. I think he's about a year or two your senior, exceptional kid, I must say. He's really smart and goal driven too. He's got the same fate as you, he'll be taking charge of some of his father's business the soonest he started college, like an internship. Really athletic too, like you, you'll get along pretty well." His father endlessly blurted out, seemingly fond of this Stephen that he's talking about.

Y/N just sat there, in awe of what her father had just done, disregarding her choices on the matter, being so sure about his plans going smoothly as he had pictured it in his mind, all by himself. She couldn't help but feel helplessly angry, at her father, and at herself being so powerless against her father's rationalizations for every one of his actions.

She stayed silent, lips pursed shut, too tired from practicing, worrying, and panicking for the whole day.

His father only observed her, sitting silent in front of him, staring distantly into the nothingness of her thoughts.

"I gave him your contact details, he seemed pretty interested. I wouldn't mind it, if you both start getting to know each other."

She just doesn't care anymore. She was too angry, too irritated, scared that the moment she'd open her mouth again, she might just babble unholy things to her father losing her chance to redeem herself, so he can make her stay. Stay here, where hapiness is, where Tsukishima is.

Still not getting any response from his daughter, the man finally let Y/N go back to her room to rest. He knows that this was a much too heavy of a conversation for the very first day they've been together in months, but he was firm, thinking this was all for his daughter's good.


Being alone and exhausted in her room, silent tears started falling. She haven't felt like fighting for something she ever wanted for a very long time.

For the first time today, she wanted to stay. Here with the people who accepted her for who she really is, with the person she loves, doing what she felt she was born doing, playing volleyball, playing for the team, being part of a team, and not feeling isolated.

She wanted to stay so badly that it hurts.

Wiping her tears away, she made up her mind. As long as Tsukishima is by her side, fighting with her, she'll do her very best to convince her father to let her stay. They just have to hold out until they graduate. Until the right time comes, she'll be free to be with Tsukishima.

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