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Aaaaand yes.. it's a triple update! A little thank you for everybody who picked up and sticked with this book. I know that the story went with a much heavier vibe than how it was before, but we're nearing the end.

Will Tsukishima and Y/N get back together?

Let's find out. 😊


Besides the sound of raindrops hitting the windows, the silence was interrupted by Y/N's rightone.

She realized that she hasn't called anyone back in America to let them know how she was nor when she'll come home.

Home. Something that suddenly became estranged now that she's with Tsukishima. She can't shake the feeling that she had lived a life that seemed like a blur to her.

Tsukishima already knows who's calling.

"You should, answer your phone. He's been calling you non-stop and you need to eat. You could come dowstairs when you're done." He spoke, hiding the jealousy behind his sullen voice.

After rising from the floor, he left for the kitchen to fix Y/N something to eat. On the other hand, the timid girl was a bit reluctant to answer Stephen, being conflicted with her current emotions, she doesn't know how to deal with him yet.

"H-hello? Y/N? God, I was so worried. I've been trying to call you. I heard there's a typhoon coming in, where are you?" Stephen's gentle and concerned voice has always soothed Y/N eversince the first time they've met 5 years ago. He was there even though she made him feel like he's not needed and it somehow made her feel guilty for allowing Tsukishima back in her life while Stephen tried his best to stay in hers.

"I'm okay, Stephen. You don't have to worry. I'm staying at a hotel. I'll be back the soonest flight available. Just, pass it on to dad, okay?" She felt bad to even lie.

"Alright. It's good to hear you're okay. Call me if anything happens. You be careful."

"Okay. Bye."

With a beep, Y/N's thoughts were drowned in silence. Stephen has been nothing but good to her. He's been patient and never had he forced himself unto her while she was vulnerable. He is still waiting for her to fully open up. She allowed him to date her letting him understand that she could only offer him an empty vessel, which is quite unfair, but he accepted all of her regardless. She grew fond of him and maybe even grew feelings for him at some point.

Yet here she is, crawling back to whom her heart has already been devoted to and the very reason for her undoing.

She's torn.


Invited by the smell of something delicious, Y/N got up off the bed and followed the scent down to the kitchen, and was welcomed by the sight of Tsukishima cooking silently and seriously. Y/N remembered the time when she dreamed of being able to see this one day, seeing how manly he looks right now. She lets her eyes memorize his broad shoulders, long arms, and his serious expression which makes him intimidatingly handsome.

Oh how she wished to just forget about everything and embrace him from behind. Take in his scent and feel his warmth. But wouldn't she be betraying Stephen?

The handsome chef caught her, making her look away with a hint of red on her ears. This reminded him of a younger Y/N which sparked a little hope in him. The next thing he looked at were Y/N's hands, examining them as he placed their meal on the table.

"No rings. Is it safe to assume you're not married nor engaged?" Tsukishima asked out of the blue while sitting across Y/N by the kitchen island. He's taking all the chances that he'd get, now that he's seeing a glimpse of the old Y/N back.

Y/N was surprised by the question but honestly answered him with a gentle shake of her head, saying no.

The man in front of her felt glad. He still has a fighting chance, but before that....

"So, this Stephen?" He discretely interrogated. He needed to know who he is in her life right now, so as to not step on any boundaries.

"He is my boyfriend." Y/N answered earnestly. Stephen deserves as much.

Tsukishima felt a little ache, finally having the answer to his question made him kind of regret that he asked. Knowing how hard it was to get through Y/N, Stephen might've been really special to her to allow him to be her boyfriend.

"How long?" He asked.

"2 years." She replied.

"You?" Now it's Y/N's turn to ask some questions. Thinking that he gave up on her might've made him fall for someone else instead. Seeing the piano in the living room, he might've bought it for someone else who knows how to play, someone new perhaps.

He answered her with a silent no with a quick gesture with his head, eyes looking on the plate of pasta that he made.

"Ever?" She did not believe him one bit.

"I tried. But there's really no one else." He spoke, voice sullen.

"I saw the piano. What would that be for?" She prodded.

"For you." There was a little pause where Y/N tried to understand his answer.

"While studying at Uni, I worked multiple part time jobs. Played hard for Sendai frogs, then eventually fell in love with the museum I once looked after. I earned quite a sum of money, until I finally became a curator. Unconsciously, I considered you in every choice that I make, from the apartment that I bought, to the interiors, and that black piano. I was kind of hoping I'd see you again and take you back, so I could hear you play, the same way you did before. But I know now that it's not that easy." Tsukishima explained. Still with a hint of regret in his voice.

Y/N silently let her eyes wander around the house and saw similarities to what they had discussed when they were just planning everything out. Then it landed on the piano with the memory of that New Year's eve. The tune of Claire de Lune ringing in her head, bringing her back to when she was so happy and in love. Will she be able to feel that again? She wondered.

"Is this, Stephen, treating you well?" Tsukishima could almost punch himself in the face for asking, but he wanted to make sure. He's trying to gauge his competition.

Facing him, her eyes showed a little spark of guilt and endearment as she spoke.

"He has been the most patient and thoughtful guy. I felt almost guilty for allowing him to love somebody as broken as I was. He... took care of me in the darkest days of my life. He has saved me in many ways possible and I can not even properly reciprocate his feelings. Yet he's asking me to marry him. He said he'll bring my broken pieces together, one by one, if he has to. He said he'll wait and a year has passed and he's still waiting."

He felt his shoulders droop after hearing that from Y/N.

"Do you love him?" Again with the fear of hearing the answer, he dared to ask.

"To some extent, yes." She replied.

Everyone deserves the truth. More lying would only cause more pain, it's better to lay things down in the open, than deny themselves of the freedom that the truth has to offer. She thought that Stephen also needs to know the truth, she'll face him when she gets home.

"But, do you still love me?"

The answer to this question is the clincher to everything. Tsukishima has made the painful decision of giving Y/N up if she says otherwise.

"Please, just answer my question."

His voice was a whisper. His eyes were shut tight like he's trying to avoid seeing Y/N say the words that could break him.

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