Never Alone Again

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"Darling, we're so sorry we couldn't come home for the holidays. I know it's the first time we skipped it, it just couldn't be helped, me and your father just couldn't leave things here in the company as it is. It's a very crucial time since we're trying to revive your grandfather's company from bankruptcy. I hope you understand. Hmmm?"

Y/N just silently listened, she doesn't know how to respond. Her mind was blank, numb from being used to being alone, only hearing her parents' voices from time to time through phone calls. She wasn't angry nor rebellious, she had always been understanding about her parents' situation. She thought that they would actually be there for her, if only things weren't this hectic.

"Honey?" Says her mother's gentle voice from the other line, trying to prod a reply.

"It's okay mom. I'm okay." Y/N reassured.

"Me and your father love you, you know that, right?"

"I know..."

"We promise to come home as soon as things get stable. Okay? We'll make it up to you, I promise... Oh, by the way?, how's your new school, c'mon tell me..." Her mother urged, hoping to squeeze out a longer conversation.

"It's been great, so far. I.... joined the girl's volleyball team."

"Really??!!!, Oh honey that's great news!!!" Her mother exclaimed in relief, knowing that her daughter finally found a place to fit in. She was very well aware of what has been happening, almost to the point that she wanted to blame herself, regretting even that she couldn't be there for her, like other mothers would.

"Yea, we won the prefecturals, we're playing nationals next year." Y/N, low-key bragged, taking as much advantange of this borrowed time.

"Ohh, honey.. I'm so so proud of you. I'm going to tell your father about this, he's going to be ecstatic."

"Ohh, how about the boys? Met anyone cute?" Her mother teased in a whisper.

"Mom, you know that dad might hear you, right?" Y/N scolded. Her father has never been fond of the thought of his daughter engaging in relationships at a very young age, he is quite a 'studies first' kinda man. But, her feelings got the best of her and jumped right into a cliff that she hopes she can someday survive. She loved Tsukishima enough to disregard her father's idiosyncrasies.

"It's fine, it's fine. He just went downstairs, we're just getting ready to go to work. So.... did you? Hmm?"

"Uhmmm.. I think so? There's this one guy in class.."

"Oh my goodness, tell me all about him!"

Just as soon as Y/N was about to tell her mom about Tsukishima with full enthusiasm, their conversation was suddenly cut off by her dad's voice in the background calling out to her mother, saying how badly they needed to go and telling her to say 'hi' to Y/N for him.

"Honey, I'll call you again soon, okay? Don't skip your meals, drink your vitamins, and good luck on Nationals. I love you so so much! Your father says hi.. but he's really kinda in a hurry."

"I love you too, mom. It's fine. Tell him hello for me, then." Y/N replied with a soft chuckle. Her father has never been showy about his emotions, something she picked up from him. She knows that her father will always mean her well, despite being somehow distant.

'Such a Tsundere' She thought with a smile, remembering someone she knows very well. A tsundere to others, but a yandere when it comes to her.

Silence filled the spacious living room after the phone let out the sound of an ending call, the bright moonlight slipping through the glass doors, reflecting against the furnitures and Y/N's figure, comfortably sitting on the couch.

Being alone triggered her memories to go back to the time she spent with Tsukishima earlier. She remembered the feeling of Tsukishima's lips, his scent, his strong arms around her, and his warmth. She yearned for him, a lot more than usual. She wanted to feel him again, to be with him again, as often as she could. If she could only stay by his side everyday and every night, that would've been nice. Her heart was so full, she doesn't know what to do with everything she's feeling right now. Somehow, she was glad, eventhough she might be alone tonight, but she never felt lonely.

Her thoughts were interrupted by another call, it was Tsukishima.

"Hey" Said the boy on the other line.

"Hey" Y/N replied, feigning excitement. Her body unconsciously shook, there was something different about the two of them, after that kiss. It wasn't awkwardness, but it only ignited something deep inside of them, they couldn't get enough of each other.

"Why are you still up?" He teasingly scolded.

"My mom called. But don't worry.. daddy.. I'll be going to sleep soon.." She rebutted, deliberately adding a pinch of salt to her reply.

In a span of a few seconds, all she heard was a heavy sigh. An indication that she might've hit home.

"You just don't know what you could do to me, do you?" His tone became serious.

"And what is that?" Y/N becoming unexpectedly braver, she was genuinely curious about it. The innocence in her tone cannot be ignored.

"Hmmm, I would love to let you know, but it can't be explained through words. I'm afraid, I might scare you, so I'll take it slow." This surprised Y/N, finally realizing that there was a side of Tsukishima that she doesn't know yet.

"Okay? You won't turn out to be a beast, would you?" She jokingly teased.

A very low chuckle was heard from the other line. A laugh that's menacing but enticing at the same time.

"I don't know about that. But I actually might turn into something quite similar. I'll let you be the judge of that."

"Then, would you care to show me?" Y/N doesn't know where these words are coming from. She wanted to know more about Tsukishima, including the sides of him that he hides from everyone else. She'll accept everything, the brightest and even his darkest shades.

"Someday, Y/N. But, that aside, would you want to celebrate new year's eve with me?" He invited.

"Okay..." She acquiesed with a smile.

"Alright, now go to sleep." He commanded endearingly.

"Okay... daddy..." She teased again with a low unintensionally seductive chuckle. Y/N was even quite surprised with the sound she made herself, reflexively covering her mouth in shock.

"Stop teasing me and go to sleep.." His voice was stern. Y/N felt the dominance  from the way Tsukishima spoke. It was a feeling she rarely experienced, since she already has a strong and stoic personality. She would usually intimidate people around her instead of being intimidated. Her heart raced by the thought of it, being under the care of a dominant partner, someone she can rely on, someone who could protect her.

Y/N is finally acknowledging Tsukishima's presence as a man and oh how flushed were her cheeks just by hearing the command in his voice.

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