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Days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months. Just one day more and Y/N will be able to prove to her father that staying wouldn't be that bad.

She almost fatigued herself everyday, practicing and studying, to the point that the moment she reaches home, she'd just eat, shower, then sleep.

Her interactions with her father dwindled down after that conversation that they had. Not to mention the annoying messages, that 'Stephen' has been sending her in her mail, asking her everyday how she's doing, asking her what she liked, and what he does and wanted to do. The poor boy never received any reply from her but he was too persistent.

Tsukishima did what he promised, supporting her in practice and in studies, even to the point that he was the one pleading for Y/N to rest.


Lying silently in her bed, staring blankly in the ceiling, the sound of her heart beat through her ears, gradually raced, she was nervous. She was never nervous before any match but now it seemed like all the matches that they've lost against those teams they trained with are starting to get to her. Making her doubt her abilities, thinking if she really did progress from where she was already at.

Her deep sea of thoughts drained back towards a gentle knock on her bedroom door.

"Honey? Are you asleep? Can I come in?" It was her mother.

"I-I'm up, mom. You can come in."

A loud groan escaped her lips after attempting to even move a muscle. She was exuding menthol from the patches that covered almost half of her body. Her mom's head slowly popped in between the crack of her door, endearingly smiling at her, but the worry that suddenly took over her after seeing the state her daughter was in, made her leap inside her room to soothe her daughter's aching body.

It was a comfortable silence. Both of them didn't have to talk about what has been happening. With Y/N's mom massaging her limbs, the timid girl couldn't stop the rage of emotions slowly flooding over her. Soft sobs rose from her chest, as her mom cradled her in her arms, planting loving kisses on her forehead.

"Mom... I don't want to go to America." Y/N whined.

"I know, sweetie. But you have to know that your father only does these things for your own good." Her mother cooed.

"I'll be just fine, mom. Please, help me. I'm much happier here now."

"Was it because of that boy?"

Mothers do know their children. Y/N realized this and didn't even try to hide it. She can trust her, so she nodded silently against the crook of her mother's neck.

"You haven't told me about him yet." Her mother tried to distract Y/N, sitting her up and wiping away her tears with the palm of her hands.

"So, what's his name and what's he like?"

"Uhmm... well... His name is Tsukishima Kei, we're classmates. He's tall, smart and... he's kinda rude to his friends, I mean, not that rude, just intolerant, I guess. But he's so different when he's with me. Eventhough he does bully me sometimes, but not in a very bad way." Y/N spoke in between sniffs and sighs, trying to recover from the crying she just had.

A soft smile, curved up her mother's lips, seeing Y/N talk about Tsukishima so fondly.

"Sounds like an interesting fellow, tell me more."

"Hmmm. He was the one who got me into playing with the women's volleyball team. He's just as mature as I am compared to our other friends at school. He's even helping me out now in convincing dad to make me stay here for college." Y/N continued, finally calmed down.

"Did he tell you what he wanted to do? You know... the future?"

This question from her mother did make her realize the difference between her life and Tsukishima's. Hers was already planned out, she even had something in mind already in compromise for her father's plans. The plans she's choosing to ignore.

It's true that they haven't talked about any of these things yet.

Seeing that Y/N didn't have an answer, her mother showed an expression of sympathy. They both know that this wouldn't do if Y/N plans on convincing her father to continue her life here.

"Y/N, you're both still young. It's not that I'm doubting his intentions for you, but y'know, things might seem to be okay, for now, but you'll never know what the future holds. I'll try what I could on my end. We'll see how things play out. Okay? Enjoy everything youth has to offer. I got you covered." Her mother reassured with a wink.

"Did you know about Stephen?" Y/N just had to inquire.

"What about Stephen?"

"Is dad matchmaking me with that boy? Is this also business related? Does it mean that I can be officially friends with that boy and not with Tsukishima and the others just because they'd be of no use to me? To him?"

"Y/N, be careful of that tone young lady. Don't say such things about your father." Her mother scolded.

"But mom, can't I have my own decisions? I think I've pretty much learned right from wrong, the hard way. You know, I'm way more mature than most of the kids around me. Can't you just trust me?" Y/N's voice was strained and too whiny for her own liking.

"Honey, I'll talk to your dad about this. For the meantime, just sleep. You've got a big game tomorrow. I'm sorry we had to leave on the very day of your games, but we'll be with you in spirit."

Y/N felt so dismissed. Flopping down intentionally against her matress, ignoring the pain from her sore muscles, she sighed, closing her eyes, also trying to dismiss the thoughts in her head so she could rest. These conversations are not going anywhere.

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