A Date

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2 months has passed since Y/N and Tsukishima officially started dating. Nothing much has changed since then. They rarely even go to decent dates due to their training schedules. Especially, since both of their teams will be going to the nationals.

They tried to make the most out of the times they were together, the walks to and from school, lunch on the roof deck, and talks in between their classes.


Today's the last school day before Christmas break and the excitement can be felt in each and every student, looking forward to the festivities. Both male and female volleyball teams also had their last meeting before the break started and as soon as the meeting's over, everyone exclaimed in glee.


The weather was chilly. Everyone was in their winter uniform passing through the school gates heading to the nearest malls or cafes to start their own little celebration of freedom.

Tsukishima was waiting by the gates, spotting Y/N, walking listlessly along the crowd.

She realized that she has already reached the outside of the gates and lifted her head to search for the tall blonde boy, her boyfriend.

Their eyes eventually met and Tsukishima approached her.

"We're out early, is there anywhere you wanted to go?" He asked.

Y/N gave it some thought, but all she could think about was spending time with Tsukishima, wherever it may be. She was captivated by the glow of orange against the handsome features of the person in front of her, then an idea came to mind...

"I want to show you something." She said entusiastically while grabbing Tsukishima's hand, pulling him along.


They've arrived in a secluded cliff view deck, just a mere 3-min. Walk away from the school. The sun was shining a warm shade of tangerine, painting the skies with pink and purple. In the view deck, they can see the prefrecture, in between mountains, it was such a peaceful and beautiful sight.

"This is where I go, to calm my head from everything that's bothering me." Y/N spoke softly.

Tsukishima finally learned another thing about Y/N, could it be that she's starting to finally open up again.

"I don't have siblings, and my parents both work abroad, so I don't have anyone to talk to about my problems." The timid girl continued.

"I would just take a look at the sunset, showing how this day would end, I'll leave along with it the things I wanted to move on from. Then, I would think about the start of another day when twilight comes." Y/N slowly turned towards the boy who's intently listening while holding her hand.

"This, is my spot. Feel free to use it anytime you need to clear your head. Thank you for sharing me yours in the roof deck." She said with a soft smile.

And just like this, Tsukishima fell harder for her. He couldn't stop himself from pulling Y/N in for a tight embrace. He thought that Y/N was so mature for her age, now that he's starting to know more about how she thinks about things, he couldn't help but worry if he could keep up.

He has not told Y/N about the doubts he had about being so immersed in volleyball, nor the issues that he had with his brother which became the cause of his reservations to be fully available for the team, but it seemed that Y/N saw through him. He was actually a bit troubled recently.

However, with Y/N in his arms, he felt his worries melt away. Making him forget about them and just make him focus on the present.


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