A day out~(Saimatsu)

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A/N: Hello everyone! This was requested by Dummy_child so please go leave them a follow they are incredibly sweet! Now then, let's get on with the story!

Category: Fluff fluff fluff

Non despair AU

Enjoy as always my lovelies~!

Shuichi's POV-

     I waited in front of Kaede's door, suit and tie, red roses and all. Last night she had agreed to be my girlfriend over call and I wanted to treat her to a real date today. I just hope I don't freak out and get too nervous heh...

                  Knock! knock! knock!
     The door swung open, I was immediately met with my girlfriend's bright eyes and kind smile.

     "Shuichi~! I'm so glad you made ittt!" She exclaimed, jumping at the chance to hug me. Flustered, I put down the flowers and hugged her back. She kissed my cheek.

     "You ready to go?" I asked.



     We walked for a while before I lend her to a nearby bus stop. She looked at me quizzically but I just smiled. She had no clue what I was planning. We took the bus to a place about 25 minutes away. As soon as we stepped off the vehicle she stared up at the giant tent in front of us.

"Are we going to a circus?" She asked.

"Nope! You'll see!" I replied nonchalantly as we continued making our way to the tent.

We got to the entrance and left all our belongings on a table outside.

"You ready?" I questioned, holding the flap of the tent open for her.

"Yep! Let's do this!"

I pulled open the flap to reveal a lush green room filled with butterflies!

Kaede gasped in awe.

"A butterfly garden! I've never been to one of these before! It's lovely, thank you Shuichi."

"Of course sweetheart..."


     We strolled around the garden hand in hand for a while before stopping to grab some nectar from a worker. Kaede held up her little cup to a monarch nearby and absolutely lit up when the little insect drank out of it. I snapped a picture on my phone before she skipped off happily looking for more butterflies to feed.

     After a while of watching Kaede run around I sat down on a bench beside her and showed her all the photos I had taken. We were so lost in thought I didn't notice a little fluttering sound coming from my head.

     "Awww look Shuichi~"

     She handed me my phone, I turned it to selfie mode and looked up at my hair. Atop my ahoge sat a blue butterfly. I smiled and took a picture of my new little friend.

     An hour or so later Kaede started to get tired so I grabbed her hand and got on the bus again. She slept on my shoulder the entire ride home. As soon as we rescued her house I walked my sleepy girlfriend to her door. She yawned before giving me a hug.

     "I had so much fun today, thank you..." she whispered.

     "You're welcome, I loved it too."

     She pressed her lips to mine for a moment before waving at me and shutting the door.

     I left her front porch giddy with excitement. Kaede truly was incredible...

535 words

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