Island Mode~(Sondam)

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A/N: Hello again! This one shot may not be the best cause this is my first time writing Sondam which is not a comfort ship for me so I was going to pair it with Kuzupeko but after I started writing it didn't make sense and seemed forced so I switched to just Sondam if that's okay xD. This was requested by _nothatswrong, thank you for being so sweet! Feel free to request prompts and or ships and i'll see if I can do them! Okay then...on to the story!

Despair AU

Before Monokuma shows up

Category~ Fluffy and Adorable (My specialty ;3) ✨💗🌸

Sonia's POV-
     It was the day after we arrived on this strange island when a boy with spiky brown hair came to meet our group. He said his name was Hajime.
     "Hey guys, I know this situation isn't ideal but I think we should make the most of it! Today we're having a beach party and everyone's invited!" He shouted. Smiles and laugher filled the room as we all raced to our cottages to get changed. I put on my wetsuit and tied my long hair into a ponytail. I flashed a quick smile at myself in the mirror and I was off! I saw others coming out of their cottages and walking towards the beach so I joined them. When we arrived I immediately noticed a tall boy with his normal clothes on talking to some hamsters. I rushed over to him in excitement.
     "Hello! May I pet your hamsters? They are so adorable!" I exclaimed. He looked at me thoughtfully for a moment before smiling and handing me one.
     "Be careful, these are no hamsters. They are my Four Dark Devas of Destruction!" He cackled. I nodded and gently pat the large orange hamster I was holding on its head. It nuzzled into my hand in response so I held it up to my lips and kissed it softly.
     "Does this one have a name?" I asked.
     "He is called Cham-P the Invading Black Dragon! Or just Cham is fine too..." He responded. I giggled softly and put Cham on my shoulder. I looked at the boy in front of me,
     "Why aren't you in your swimsuit? Aren't you going to swim?"
     "My Dark Devas of Destruction don't like getting wet so I have to respect their decisions...I believe we skipped introductions as well, my name is Gundham Tanaka. He answered, holding out his hand.
     "Sonia Nevermind!" I said, shaking it. "Maybe we can both hang out on the beach today since everyone else will be in the water."
     "That sounds good to me, what would you like to do?" I thought for a moment and then it hit me.
     "We could build a sandcastle for your Dark Devas of Destruction!" I practically shouted. He smiled insanely wide and nodded his head vigorously.
     "Let the building commence!"
     We started gathering sand in buckets and shaping it into little towers as it slowly started to look more like a castle. I dug a moat around it with my finger as Gundham poked some holes in the towers to look like windows. But it was missing one thing. I jumped up and grabbed Gundam's hand, leading him over to an array of seashells by the water. We collected a bunch and raced back over to the castle to put them around the base and stick them on top of the towers. We both grabbed a large shell at the same time and placed it on top to signify we were done. I pumped my fist in the air and smiled. He let his hamsters run around the castle and they looked like they were having fun. Gundam decided to let them have a break so we got up and started walking down the shore as the sun began to set. I looked around and everyone else had already gone inside. I looked at the boy beside me and smiled, leaning my head onto his shoulder. He flinched but quickly caught on and carefully put his arm around me. It felt so...familiar, so right. I gave a sigh of contentment as we stood there for a while. Eventually he grabbed my hand and ever so gently put it up to his lips and kissed it. I grinned and grabbed him by the scarf and kissed his cheek. He flushed a dark red and tried to hide in his scarf but didn't do it so well. We both laughed and ran back to his hamsters. He let them climb up his shoulder and rest in his scarf before we walked back to our cottages. We headed to mine first. I blushed under the moonlight and spoke-
"I had a very fun time today...thank you Gundham. It's been a while since I did anything like that."
"No, thank you Sonia. You really helped me get out of my shell today. I had fun too." He replied, his blushing face mirroring mine. "And my Devas did as well." Just then, Cham-P rushed out of his scarf and into my arms. I smiled and kissed his head softly before he ran back to Gundam.
"Well, I should be going, goodnight Gundam."
"Goodnight Sonia." I unlocked my door and had it halfway open before making my decision.
"Wait!" I cried, running towards him as he walked away. He stopped just before I threw my arms around his neck and pressed my lips to his. He kissed me back and it felt like heaven. We pulled away and blushed deeply.
"Thank you..." I said simply before running to my cottage and slamming the door. I jumped onto my bed and started pumping my fists in the air. I'm looking forward to spending more time with him.

967 words <3 A/N: OH MY STARS— THAT WAS SO FUN TO WRITE!!! It was so cute! I forgot how much I freaking love Sonia >w< I will definitely do more Sondam in the future!~^^

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