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Disclaimer: I'm a Christian so I believe people go to heaven when they die, also in my personal belief, people who commit suicide go to heaven as well because they were in so much pain they wanted to end it. It's not a crime, they deserve to be in heaven.

I'm back with another request! It's my first time writing Sakaoi so don't come at me if it sucks xD This was requested by the lovely xxcheetowithwingsxX! Thank you for the request! If you don't mind, I've put my own twist on it :)


Let's get on with the story!

Category- Angst with a happy ending/semi fluff

This can be read as platonically or romantically but it's intended to be romantic :)

Despair AU


Aoi's POV


     Ten Bottles...

     Bottles of what you may ask?


      I was forced to ask myself what would happen if the painkillers never really took the pain away.

     Could they be used differently?

     Well, I suppose i'll find that out soon.

     I lie in the bathtub in my apartment in silence, knowing these might be my final moments of life.

    I wish I had spent it differently.

    The last 5 years have been horrible. Being trapped in two killing games and working to stop even more from happening kind of takes it out of you. Not to mention all the friends i've lost. 


    Even thinking about her makes me tear up.

     She was the only best friend I'd ever had, and she ensure nobody else would suffer. She was so brave.

     I wanted to make her proud more than anything in the world. But even I was a failure in that category.

    I sighed and grasped the first bottle in my hand, the translucent orange color sparkled in the dim light.

     I took a deep breath and dumped the pills into my mouth, taking a drink out of the water bottle I had placed next to the tub.

     Within minutes I was beginning to grow drowsy but I just shook my head and continued down the line of pills.

     I had gone through only two bottles when I started to see black dots clouding my vision. I smiled knowing I'd be with Sakura soon.

    My breathing became heavy...

    This was it.

    I closed my eyes and used the last of my strength to reach my hand to the sky.


    That's all I could see for miles...

    Until I saw a hand reaching for me.

    I tentatively took it.

    It pulled me to my feet.

    Then I realized...

    It was her.

    Tan skin, long soft hair, glittering gray eyes.

    The only difference...she had wings.

     Great big beautiful wings.

      They wrapped around me and pulled me close to her, I could see her eyes grow misty when she saw me.

     "Hina..." she whispered.

     I couldn't take it only longer, I leapt into her arms and cried.


     She wiped my tears and spoke...

     "My dear Hina, why have you done this?"

    "Because of you, I wanted to be with you again. I could not fulfill your legacy so I knew I had to see you again..."

     She smiled and shook her head.

    "You have already fulfilled my have survived, you have lived in my name. That's more than I could have ever asked for."

     "But I-"

       She placed a finger to my lips

      "I love you Hina, with all my heart...but it is not your time yet"

       "No! I want to stay with you!"

        She hugged me close

        "You have so much left to do in this world, so much living to do. You'll be here with me eventually. Until that day i'll be here watching over you and waiting."

         "I love you Sakura"

        She kissed my forehead softly

       "And I love you"

        With that she held me in her arms and whispered "goodbye"

        My vision became blurry

       And then...

     I woke up in my bed.

      It was all a dream

      But somehow I knew-

       That it was also real.

      "Thank you Sakura"

      685 words <3

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