My angel~(Hinanami)

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A/N: Before I start this oneshot I just wanted to apologize to @Dan-Chiaki, I never meant to make you feel bad about having a specific request. You have a lot of talent! You should make a fic about this AU because it's very clever. Since my understanding of this is vague I'm putting my own spin on it so I hope that's okay.

Category: Angst/fluff I'm not sure which

Angel and Demon AU


Hajime's POV-
     Sometimes unexpected things happen, that's a fact of life. But sometimes nothing can truly prepare you for the most unexpected things of all...

     I was walking home from school and noticed a strange presence in the air. Like someone or something was watching me. I looked up to see a figure falling from the sky! I ran to catch them and realized it was a girl who looked to be about my age. She looked up at me with light  in her rose colored eyes.

     "Thanks for catching me..." She finally said as I put her down.

     "It's no problem but what's going on?! Are you okay?! You just kinda fell from the sky!"

She laughed

     "You see, I'm an angel that lost my wings...I was deceived by a demon and cannot return to Heaven unless I am shown a "true test of heart" so I'm quite confused on where to go..."

"Until you figure out how to get back to Heaven you can stay with me!" I exclaimed, she smiled.

"Thank you, my name is Chiaki by the way...Chiaki Nanami..."

"Hajime Hinata, it's a pleasure to meet you Chiaki.


From then on we spent every day together...

     I taught her to play video games since she wasn't used to the human world and she picked them up immediately! She was incredibly talented and managed to beat me every time.

     I realized that after a couple months I couldn't even imagine my life without her. She truly was an angel...her smile lit up the room and lit up my heart. I think I'm falling in love with her...

It sure is a shame our happiness didn't last long...

     The night I was shoved in the back of a car

     The night I became unconscious until I awoke as a new person, a new being...

     I awoke as a man who's name I suddenly knew...Izuru Kamakura...

     I had no idea what I was doing in this body and why I, a completely normal high school boy would be a target for something so brash.

     I sat in a prison like cell in silence until a girl opened the door and walked in...

     She had big strawberry blonde pigtails and a sadistic smile. The strangest thing about her was upon her head she wore horns...the color of blood. I knew in my heart she was a demon.

     "Ah so you're finally awake I see! I thought you'd be kicking and screaming by now! I should probably fill you in on the details shouldn't I? Well you see, your friend Chiaki was always interfering with my plans back in Heaven...a huge pain really. So I stole her wings and told her she'd have to be shown true love or some shit to turn back into an angel. That was just filler so I could steal you and your memories to lure her over here and kill her for good! But somehow you keep your sad. Oh well! Your little girlfriend should be here soon so I'll leave you be till then! Ta taaaa~" The girl snickered and promptly left the room.

     How could I have let this happen...I just pray she's safe...all I want is Chiaki to be safe...


After a few days of being trapped I noticed a presence in front of the cell was softer than the devil girl. I knew immediately who it was. The girl pounded on the door in distress. I tried to get up and look her in the eyes but she had been dragged away by the demon, crying out my name. I forced open the door and ran after them. When I entered the room she had been brought to it was too late...she was gone.

The demon laughed uproariously and left...she left me with the dead girl in my arms.

I started to cry...she was really gone. As soon as she had turned cold I felt a hand tough my shoulder. I turned around to immediately be blinded by giant white wings. She was an angel again...I wrapped my arms around her and cried. She patted my back and smiled. I held her ghostly face in my hands.

"Hey really shows me a true test of heart huh?" She said. I nodded and pressed my forehead against hers in pure joy.

No matter what happened...she was always going to be my angel...

825 words! I'm sorry if it went too fast or didn't make sense, I tried my best!

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