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A/N: Thank you to _oceania_ for the request! Enjoy!

Takes place on Jabberwock island after Teruteru's execution

Category: Fluffy~

Here we go!

Sonia's POV:
     I was sitting in my cottage doing nothin in particular when I heard a loud knock on my door. I quickly opened it to find a very distraught looking Gundam. His clothes were wrinkled and his hair was a mess. I could see dark circles under his bright purple eyes.
     "Gundam are you okay?!" I shouted as he stumbled into my room. He sat on my bed and shook his head.
     "Alas I am not...my Dark Deva's of Destruction have gone missing!" I gasped.
     "Oh my goodness! How long have they been gone?"
     "Since this morning, I've looked everywhere and asked everyone I could think of for help but they all knew nothing. I have no where else to go. Sonia, can you please help me find them?" He croaked. I nodded and straightened his lopsided scarf.
     "Of course, where should we start?"

     We started to look for the Devas on the second island because that's where we had all been recently. We searched the diner first which was a struggle in itself because we had to endure the menacing stares from Fuyuhiko who was trying to have lunch by himself. We soon left in a hurry...
     Next we looked near Chandler Beach. I searched the Beach house while Gundam looked near the water. Sadly, there was no trace of the Devas.
     We proceeded to look in all the other available spots on the second island. But they were still missing. Gundam was starting to lose hope. He was cursing with every step and looked like he was constantly about to fall down so I suggested we took a break.

We sat outside the abandoned building on the first island when he finally spoke-
     "I'm sorry they are so hard to find, I usually can communicate with them telepathically but alas that is on the fritz. I don't understand! Why would they want to leave me!? Am I not good enough?!" He cried, burying his face in his hands.
     "Of course you are Gundam! You're one of the strongest and coolest people I've ever met! We'll find them, you'll see!"    
     "Thank you...it's just, when I went to ask if anyone would help me find them they all just shook their heads. And when I told them about my telepathic connection they laughed and said I was faking it. I, the great Gundam Tanaka would NEVER "fake" my abilities. I usually do not care for others opinions but today I seem more...vulnerable."
     "Hey, that's understandable. Losing the Devas must be hard on you since you love them so dearly. And, for the record...I don't think you're faking at all. You always amaze me." I finished, blush heating my cheeks.
     "Oh well uh— thank you." He replied, hiding his red face in his scarf. I laughed in response, pulling him to his feet.
     "Come on, we've still got time to look for the Devas!"

     As the sun began to set the two of us ran around the first island looking for Gundam's hamsters but once again were having no luck. Exhausted, we stumbled up to the dining hall where we found a certain musician.
     "Ooh! Gundam and Sonia! What are you two doin' here?" Ibuki shouted while stuffing a huge cookie in her mouth.
     "Hello Ibuki, Gundam and I were just looking for his Dark Devas of Destruction. They went missing this morning."      
       Her eyes immediately lit up.
     "Oh! Like the ones that are in there!?" She exclaimed while pointing to the kitchen. Gundam and I immediately sprinted in to see his hamsters happily munching on some sunflower seeds. He sighed in relief, picking them up and placing them gently in his scarf.
     "I might have forgotten to feed them this morning. They must have gotten hungry and wandered into the kitchen." I nodded.
     "I'm just glad they're safe." I replied, stroking Cham-P's head. We walked back to his cabin, Devas safely asleep in his scarf. When we reached the door I wrapped my arms around him in a hug. He flinched but slowly started to hug me back as gently as possible. I grinned.
     "Even though the situation wasn't ideal, I really enjoyed my time with you today Gundam."
     "Likewise, I'd like to..."hang out with you more" as you mortals call it." I laughed in response.
     "I'd love that...goodnight Gundam." I said, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek. He touched where I had just kissed him and smiled.
     "Goodnight Sonia."

785 words yay! Aww that was cute, I love writing Sondam so muchhhh!

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