Midnight Talks~(Sondam)

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A/N: Sondam yayy! I love writing about my sweet demonic children so take this very fluffy oneshot!

Category: Fluff fluff fluffff

Despair AU


Sonia's POV-
I sat outside my cottage the night after Mikan's tragic death. It seemed like all our friends were disappearing before our very eyes. It was quite a sad thing to witness. At least I still had the one that was closest to me, Gundam. As much as he's quiet and shy around others he always opens up to me and lets me be around him. Which is saying a lot considering he is a dark lord after all! I should be forever grateful for his company!

Just as I was thinking about him I noticed Gundam walking from his cottage towards the pool. Out of curiosity I tiptoed after him. I watched as he sat on the edge of the water and sigh. He looked upset. I took a deep breath before running over to sit beside him. He looked surprised to see me.

"My dark queen, what do I owe the pleasure of your company?" "I noticed that you looked sad, is there something wrong?" He nodded slowly.

"You see...I have been as you mortals call it...on edge? The constant fear of who is going to die next has been haunting me. I have tried to ward off the evil spirits of fear alas, my powers are weakening the more distraught I become." He finished with a sad smile.

"Perhaps I can help! We could play a game to cheer you up!" I suggested, his eyes light up a little bit at my statement. "What sort of 'game' would we be participating in?"

"How about hide and seek! It's fun and simple!" I answered, standing up with a grin. He smiled shyly and nodded.

"Yes, I think hide and seek will do just fine."

We decided that he would count first so as he closed his eyes I raced behind the abandoned building and waited for him to find me. But I giggled a bit too loud so he heard me immediately and found me. So we switched! I counted to 30 and then looked around, not seeing Gundam anywhere. Until I looked behind a bush where he was hiding stealthily. He tried to get up from his spot but was having a bit of trouble. So I offered him my hand, he looked up and me with worry. I knew why, he had told me he was poison to humans and I would die if I touched him...but I didn't care. I'd rather take the risk. I kept my hand extended to him.

He nodded and took it, as I pulled him to his feet. He was so tall he almost knocked me over. He looked down at our hands and smiled. No poison! He bravely grabbed my other hand and held it as well. I smiled up at him. Before he could say a word I stood up on my toes and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. He gasped and blushed furiously, but tried his best to kiss me back. As I pulled away he smiled, bigger than I had ever seen from him. I hugged him close and whispered:

"All better now?"

"Yes, I think i'm feeling well again...thank you my love." I blushed at his sweet words.

"I'm glad...i'm so glad..."

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