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A/N: Okay this was a request but I literally forgot who told me to do it xD But Bandaid! Here you go!

Category: Fluff

Non despair AU


Mikan's POV- favorite day of the week. For a lot of reasons actually, but mostly because that's when I get off of work for the weekend and get to see my girlfriend. Don't get me wrong, working at a children's hospital is nice and all but the screaming, the crying, and the depressing diagnoses get to me sometimes. This week has been particularly tiring. A lot of emergencies and newborn babies create the perfect recipe for stress. But i'll manage...I always do.
I glanced at the clock, 6 pm...only 10 minutes until my shift ends. I smiled to myself knowing Ibuki and I can hang out soon. Maybe watch a movie or something. Just as I was lost in my thoughts my assistant burst into my office.
"Doctor Tsumiki! You have a visitor!" She said cheerfully.
"Oh who is it?"
"Go and see silly!"
I ran out the door to see my girlfriend waiting for me with a big bouquet of lillies and a huge smile on her face.
"Honey what are you doing here?!" I exclaimed in surprise.
"Ibuki wanted to surprise you! You've been working so hard lately's two tickets to Beach Bunny's concert tonight! I know their your favorite band!"
I gasped, i've been dreaming of going to their concert for months.
"Thank you so much!" I screamed, hugging my girlfriend tight."
"You're welcome baby!"

That night~

We walked into the venue and found a place near the front to stand. Surprisingly it was my first concert. I had never been to Ibuki's cause they were always when I was at work. She then turned to me and spoke.
"Looks like there's an opening act and then Beach Bunny plays. I'm excited cause it's going to be the debut concert for the new Honeymoon album!"
I nodded.
"I'm super glad we get to be here together," I said while squeezing her hand. She smiled and squeezed back. We always do that as a sign that we love each other since it's hard for me to express it sometimes. Just then the first band started to play!
It was called Indigo de Souza and they were so amazing. It was so cool getting to see it live, really a once in a lifetime experience.
I thought it couldn't be any better but then the lead singer of Beach bunny Lily came on onstage. I swear I almost started to cry. It was so cool!
They kicked it off with my favorite song too, Painkiller. I looked over at Ibuki who was dancing to the music so I joined her.
By the end of the concert my ears hurt and my body was sore and exhausted from dancing and singing so much. But I couldn't have cared less. As we walked out into the night I leaned in and gave my wonderful girlfriend a kiss.
"What was that for~?" She asked shyly.
"Cause I love you so much!"

524 words!

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