Monkey business~(Yutamaru)

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A/N: Heyo it's Evie! I've recently met a sweet new friend who loves Yutamaru so I've decided to gift them a oneshot! I hope you like it T0K0S_ ! This doesn't mean I'm open for requests again though so please don't ask <33

TW: Platonic Tokomaru

Category: Fluffy!! :D

AU where Yuta doesn't die

Takes place after UDG


Komaru's POV-

I set the last stack of clothing into a big box and breathed a sigh of relief. There! All packed!

My roommate and best friend Toko was moving out soon to be with her boyfriend Byakuya so I was helping her pack up her room today.

"Omaru can you make sure Shiori is in the box!" Toko yelled from the kitchen.

I eyed a small black cat plushie on her bed and tossed it in the box, taping it shut. Silly Toki loves that thing!

I carried the giant brown box into the next room and set it down on top of the other ones.

"Thank you thank you! I'm all ready to go tomorrow morning!" Toko grinned, wiping the sweat from her forehead.

"Aw I'm gonna miss you! We've lived together for a whole year!" I whined, elbowing her ribs.

"I know I's not like i'm far, Byakuya's house is less than a mile away."

"Make sure to text me so I'm not lonely." I pouted.

"Will do."

Just then her phone rang a familiar tune, she grabbed it and held up a finger signifying she'd be done in a minute before running off. A while later she came back.

"Sorry bout' that, it was Byakuya. He wants us to have a celebratory lunch this afternoon before tomorrow's move in. Can I go?" She asked in a tone similar to how a teen daughter would ask for her partner to sleep over.

"Yes you may missy, but your curfew is 7 pm because tonight is movie night! You promised you'd do a 2004 movie marathon with me!" I shook my finger at her jokingly.

"Yes mom. I know how much you want to watch Mean Girls and Sleepover." Toko laughed before patting my head and rushing to leave the apartment.

"Love ya!" I called after her.

"Love you too dork!" She yelled back, slamming the door behind her.

I slumped down on the couch and groaned, I hate being alone. What was I even supposed to do?

As if to interrupt my thoughts I heard my phone beep.

I picked it up and saw a text from Yuta Asahina. I immediately smiled. Yuta and I had become super close after escaping Towa City, plus the fact that I've been crushing on him a little.

"Hey! I'm feeling kinda bored today! Wanna hang out today? I can take you somewhere fun! :)"

I squealed in delight and responded with a "Yes! Come on over! :D"

God I am so excited!!

A few minutes later I heard a soft knock on the door and immediately leaped out of my seat to open it.

Standing there was Yuta in all his glory with a sheepish smile and a handful of daises.

"I thought I should bring you a gift or something so I picked these near my house, sorry they're not the nicest flowers..." He laughed weakly.

I snatched them, held them close to my heart and smiled.

"They're perfect."

We walked down to the train station nearby and rode all the way to the Ueno district in Tokyo which was about half an hour from where we live. It was so long I ended up falling asleep on the track star's shoulder! Now that was embarrassing!

Once we arrived Yuta led me to a sign that read "Ueno Zoo." So this is what he had planned.

"Come on let's go in!!" He extended a hand to me.

I grabbed it and followed the energetic boy into the zoo.

There were so many animals. I read online once that this particular zoo had over 400 species living there!

I was particularly excited about the pandas. They had one named Xiang Xiang who was going to be released back into the wild soon. She was so cute!

Yuta was more excited about the monkeys.

"Komaru look!" He cried out. I followed his gaze to a baboon clapping it's hands together in response to the zookeeper feeding it.

Yuta started to clap his hands wildly in the same manner and mimic the monkey's sounds.

I started to laugh uncontrollably at his silliness, so much so that other people started to stare.

"Let's go to the petting area." I chuckled, pulling the boy away from his newly found monkey friend.

There were an abundant array of goats in the petting area and I wanted to see them all!

We must have walked around for at least 20 minutes petting and playing with all the goats. I was in pure bliss I'll tell ya.

We finished off our trip with the flamingos.

"Hey Komaru, how many shrimps do you think I'd have to eat to be pink like a flamingo?" Yuta asked suddenly.

"At least 100 but that's not possible in one sitting." I answered thoughtfully.

"I'm gonna do it just for you! Then I'll be pink like a pretty flamingo!" He shouted in excitement.

"You're already pretty!" I laughed, kissing his cheek. He gasped happily and gave me a big hug.

"That's enough zoo for today." I finally said, leading a still pumped up Yuta to the train station.

Once we hopped on and off the train we were home in a flash.

Yuta walked me to my apartment door.

"I had a fun time today Komaru!" He smiled warmly.

"I did too Yuta, we've got to do this more often." I grinned right back.

"It's a date!" He called out.

"It's a date." I echoed.

"Bye bye. Enjoy your night." He mumbled shyly before planting a kiss on my lips. I immediately touched them as he pulled away.

"B-bye!" I stuttered as he bolted away.

I giggled to myself as I walked in the door but noticed Toko standing in the kitchen with a stupid smile.

"You're past curfew, and I saw you kissing a boy! Not cool!" Toko smirked.

"Aw man! Is it 8 already! I'm so sorry Toki!" I sighed heavily, checking the clock.

"That's alright, but you must be punished for your tardiness."

"You don't mean-"

"TICKLE TIME!!" She screamed before tackling me.

"HAHA GET- PFFT OFF!" I cried out between fits of laughter. She did.

"Take this as your warning Omaru."

"Yeah yeah least you'll be gone next time I go out with Yuta so there's no chance of tickle torture."

"THERE'S A NEXT TIME?! Tell me all the juicy details!" Her eyes light up as she pulled up a chair.

"I suppose we can start the movies a little later tonight..."

1150 words <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2021 ⏰

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