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A/N: Look who's back and ready to write! This idea was suggested by the incredible GalaxyHideNSeek , thank you~! I'm hoping to open up my requests after this! So comment some if you'd like and i'll let ya know if I can do them! Enjoy~^^

Category~ Fluff (what else? ;P)

Non despair AU

Makoto's POV-
It was a chilly Saturday evening when I got the call from Kyoko. I was playing Animal Crossing in my room when my phone rang. I saw Kiri's name flash across the screen so I answered with a simple "hello?"
"Hey Makoto, can you please pick me up...I'm too tired to walk home and I doubt I would be able to find my way anyhow..."
"Of course! Just text me the address, i'll be there right away." I ended the call, put on my jacket, and drove to the correct address. She was waiting outside in the cold without a coat. Her teeth were chattering and she had her arms wrapped around herself. I rushed out of the car and carefully placed my hoodie on her and helped her into the car. As soon as we were inside and I had turned the heat on we finally spoke.
"What are you doing out here! You're going to get sick!" I asked with concern. She sighed and answered-
"I have a lead on a big case and thought that was the place I was looking for but, it turned out to be a joke...the perpetrator is still out there." She sharply drew a breath and looked over at me. I gently squeezed her hand to make her smile and it worked for a moment.
"I'm sure you'll find the criminal another time...for now though, you need to rest."
"May I stay at your house please? My dad has work friends over tonight and I absolutely despise talking to them." She asked simply.
"Of course, Mom and Dad are out of town and Komaru's sleeping over at Toko's." I replied as we pulled into my driveway. As soon as we got inside I turned up the heater and made Kiri some tea. She smiled warmly and drank it while I prepared an air mattress for her in my room. When she finished I handed her a t-shirt and some sleep shorts of mine she could wear. We both got dressed and were in our beds by 11:00. She was still shivering so I grabbed my hoodie from downstairs and gave it to her again. She grinned and put it on. We talked until around midnight when she started to get sleepy. She took her gloves off and pulled the covers over herself.
"Goodnight Makoto."
"Goodnight Kyoko~"

The Next Morning-

I awoke at 8:30 to find Kyoko missing from her bed. I walked over to it and saw a note reading- "I've gone to investigate some more, i'll see you later." I ran downstairs to see her drinking a cup of coffee, about to leave the house.
"Oh no you don't! I'm not letting you catch a cold from being outside investigating! You need a break so you're going to stay here today." I stated firmly. She looked at me with an almost amused expression.
"Makoto, i'm a detective. This is my job, I have to go out today."
"Detectives need breaks too! Your only boss today is me and I say you should get rest and stay warm!" I shouted in response. Her eyes widened but she shook her head and started to laugh.
"Good luck getting me to your room!" I grinned at her mischievously and picked her up bridal style and carried her up to my bed. I placed her on the mattress as she started to laugh so much she was close to crying. I jumped onto the bed as well and enveloped her in a tight hug. She hummed quietly while she buried her face in my shoulder, trying hard to contain her giggles. I blushed deeply and grabbed her gloved hand. She smiled shyly and took it off immediately. I traced my fingers over the scars and bumps and finally kissed it gently. She gasped softly and looked at me wide-eyed. She hugged me again, so hard that we both fell over. We laughed and grinned at each other...drifting into a peaceful nap.
The rest of the day went well, Kyoko stayed in bed and rested and I hung around her while she did. She played Animal Crossing with me, and we went out for lunch so naturally, by dinner time we were both very lively and very bored.
"What should we do? We've done almost everything we could have today," She asked.
"Yeah, we sure have done a lot today...except for one thing."
"And what would that be?"
"This~" I replied, cupping her cheeks and kissing her gently. Her cheeks flashed a bright pink as she started to smile into the kiss. It went on for a while before we were both out of breath.
"You know, maybe taking a day off isn't so bad..."

860 words <3 Hope you liked it^^

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