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A/N- Soulmate Au~ You're born with the handprints of where your soulmate touches you for the first time on your body  when they do finally touch you the marks are replaced by heart imprints signifying you've found your soulmate.

Hello, my name is Makoto Naegi and I'm a loser. No i'm serious...I suck. I have absolutely no friends and no one who quite frankly cares about my existence. Everyone else spends time with their soulmate and I still, at 17 haven't found mine. Everyone else in my senior class has one and they always brag about it. We even had to do an essay a couple weeks back about the way we found our soulmates but I obviously couldn't do mine so I got an F. My soul marks are on my shoulders. Two giant black hand marks on either side, but everyone else thinks I don't have any because my jacket always hides them. I can't help but be a little jealous of my classmates, they seem so happy and excited about their soulmates and the amazing life they know they'll spend together. I just feel like i'll never find another person like me...

     Hi, I'm Kyoko Kirigiri and my life kinda sucks

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     Hi, I'm Kyoko Kirigiri and my life kinda sucks. Honestly, it does. I'm a loner and never have made a friend in my 17 years of living on this earth. Everyone avoids me because of my quiet personality. Well...and my soul marks. You see, mine are on my hands. Not just a handprint. Both of my hands are forever stained ink black until that "lucky" person comes along and touches them. Besides, I wouldn't even know if i'd met my soulmate already because nobody touches my hands, they're too afraid. So I just put gloves over them, makes life a little easier for me and less terrifying for others.  However, today i'm transferring schools to "Hopes Peak Academy" where my dad is the principal. I hope everything goes well, and maybe i'll make a friend if i'm lucky...

                                         "Makoto Naegi, please report to the principal's office immediately

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                                         "Makoto Naegi, please report to the principal's office immediately."

     I could hear snickers coming from every end of the room but I just ignored them like usual. I stood up and walked to the office...I wonder what they want this time...As soon as I stepped into the doorway I saw her: A tall pale girl with the most stunning lilac hair and amethyst eyes. Her cheeks were a light bubblegum pink as she gave me a little wave. I waved back and smiled at her shyly.
"Mr. Naegi, this is my daughter Kyoko. She will be attending Hopes Peak from now on and I trust that you can be the one to show her around?" The headmaster asked sternly.
"Yes sir, you can count on me!" I replied quickly.
"Good, start by taking her around the school." He said, pushing her towards me and walking away swiftly. She glared at him then turned back to me.
"Hi, I know my dad already introduced me...but, i'm Kyoko. It's nice to meet you."
     "Hello, i'm Makoto, it's nice to meet you too." I replied, my cheeks burning red. She was so pretty! She smiled and nodded at me.
     "Okay then Makoto, where to first?"

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