Admiration~(Naegiri drabble)

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A/N: I'm a bit too tired for a one-shot tonight so here's a small fluffy drabble from Kyoko's POV!

Kirigiri's POV-
I will sometimes look at him when he's focused on something else. As soon as he senses me there i've gotten very good at looking away quickly. I've studied the way he talks. How he will get flustered easily, or forgets what he's going to say in the middle of a sentence. I've studied how he acts. When he really cares about someone, how intently he'll listen to them. How he sticks his tongue out while he's writing something down. I've studied the way his face lights up when he's excited, how his eyes grow misty when he's sad, and how pouty he'll get when he's angry. I feel like I know him, like we have a connection. It's a shame he'll never notice me...
I haven't tried to speak to him before-
Maybe it's worth a shot.
It could be the start of something beautiful,
or it could be a disaster.
But for him, i'm willing to take a chance~

184 words <3 I love y'all! 💜💜💜

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