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A/N: Okay sooo, i've been reading a lot of Togafuka lately and i'm just starting to get back into it cause I forgot how much I loved it andddd yeah. This idea is probably super unoriginal but I don't care, I needed to write or I was going to lose my mind. So here ya go! xD

Despair AU

Category: Fluff/Comfort/Angst (I literally never write angst haha)

Mild language (Oh nuh)

Takes place after Celeste's execution cause we stan Sakura being a survivor 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Togami's POV:
     The evening after Celeste's execution and I awoke to a small whimper coming from across the hallway. I sigh, put on my glasses and walk towards the source. It turns out to be coming from behind Toko's door so I knock on it briskly. I hear a small cry from the other side. After waiting a few seconds she cautiously opens the door. Her eyes immediately widened when she saw me. I sighed and finally spoke-
     "I heard you whimpering through the soundproof walls...can you shut up please?" I ask impatiently. She starts to cry and suddenly falls to the floor. I run inside and close the door to see her frail body shivering on the ground. I grit my teeth, pick her up and place her on her bed, praying to the gods she didn't switch when she woke up. Luckily my wish was grated as she blinked her eyes open and shrieked at the sight of me.
     "To-gami...wh-h..what are y-you doing he-re~?" She stuttered.
     "You fainted, so I helped you to your bed." I replied simply.
      "But why d-did you help me-e?"
     "You were crying so I suppose I may have felt bad..." She practically scoffed at my remark.
      "You- feel bad about me? You don't give a shit about my happiness! Why would you even—" She starts to say but immediately breaks down sobbing instead. She buries her tear stained face in her pillow and mumbles-
     "You idiot Toko...why would you ever be in love with him...he's nothing but horrible to you...just like them! He's just like them!" I lift her head up.
     "Just like who?" I question, slowly pulling her closer in the process. She noticed quickly and nods and lets her arms fall to her sides.
     "J-just get it over with. Do what y-you want to me." I flinch at he words. She thinks i'm going to hurt her!
     "Toko, i'm not going to hurt you now, nor will I ever," I said softly, grabbing her hand. She looks up at me in shock and shakes her head in disbelief.
     "But, i'm a tool! (A/N:*Cries in Peko*) I've only been used before!" She replies with caution. I gently take both her hands.
     "I may say rude things but i'd never hurt you in any way." She starts to smile but shakes her head again.
     "You're wouldn't actually care— would you?"
      "I assure you it's not a joke...i'm quite horrible at showing my feelings," I admit. She giggles and looks at our intertwined hands.
       "I believe you Byakuya," She leans into my chest, finally looking content. I gently kiss her forehead and I hear her gasp. I smirk and do it again earning a small laugh. I tilt her chin up to meet mine and our lips finally touch. As she and I pull away I feel my face grow warm. I touch it lightly and smile...that was amazing. I hug the writer in front of me and whisper to her
  "I'll keep you safe I promise."

607 words...not my best writing but's all good. Hope you enjoyed!~<3

Alsoooo, would anyone be interested in an Ishimondo or Hinanami oneshot? I really love them and I've got a couple ideas for them, not angsty of course cause Ava can't write angst to save her lifeee

Okay bye, i love you 🥺💜

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