I promise~(Naegiri)

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A/N: Tonight's been rough to say the least, so I decided writing would be the best medicine. I coincidentally ended up crying over a Naegiri fic because I was unsatisfied with the ending so I made my own version of it. I've had this idea for a while so it's not copying, it's based off the ending of the arc 3 anime.

_\It's very short\_

Despair AU

Category~ Fluff/Comfort???

As always, enjoy <3

Makoto's POV-
As I watched the remnant's boat sail back to Jabberwock Island I couldn't help but think of a certain someone.
Kyoko Kirigiri.
The girl who had sacrificed her life for mine. Who's always trusted and believed in me. The girl I cared about more than anything...was gone. Tears slowly started to roll down my cheeks. I fell to the ground in misery.
"Why couldn't it have been me...I would have given up my life for hers in an instant."
As I continued to sob I heard footsteps from behind. They sounded hollow...yet familiar. I whipped my head around to see her. Her lavender hair was blowing messily in the wind. Her amethyst eyes were glittering with life. She had a gentle smile on her lips. I gasped and jumped back. She was alive.
Without hesitation I ran to her, tackling her onto the ground. Not realizing there was a hill behind us was a struggle. Within a moment of me grabbing her, we both started to roll down it. By the time we reached the bottom we both were near happy tears. I helped her up and immediately threw my arms around her again. She returned the hug with immense force. As we parted I finally spoke-
"How...?" She put a finger to my lips.
"It doesn't matter."
She threw her gloves to the ground and grabbed my face. I blushed deeply and closed my eyes. She slowly leaned forward and placed her soft lips onto mine. I ran my fingers through her hair as she held my face in her hands. The second we pulled away I wrapped her into another hug.
"Kyoko...I love you. Please never leave me again." She gasped and started to cry.
"I promise, I love you too."

390 words, srry it's short. I felt a long one wasn't needed for this topic.


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