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A/N: I'm back~ I actually write this a week or so ago but It needed some major tweaking so I finished it up today! It takes place in the DR3 anime! I hope you enjoy! <3

Also, this oneshot is dedicated to SugarRushMunchy because: #1 I wanted to try out the dedication feature (edit: It didn't work lol) and #2 because I love you and you're my sis and I hope this makes you smile a lil :)

Category: Fluff/Angst/Comfort...I dunno why, all of these fit as the category

Despair AU


Naegi's POV-

Tension arose as the fourth time limit grew closer and closer, no matter how stoic and calm they looked I can assure you everyone was afraid...afraid they would become victim of either the killer or their forbidden action. I too was scared but I tried to hide it. But I apparently wasn't the best at it cause Hina noticed my sad demeanor and questioned if I was alright.

"Hey Naegi! What's with the sad face? You okay?"
I nodded and smiled as big as I could manage. She flashed me a thumbs up and skipped away. I sighed a breath of relief and noticed Kyoko watching our conversation from the corner of the room.

"That doesn't look like the Naegi I know..." She said with a sly smile as usual. I just laughed.

"I'm fine, really...just a little stressed that's all."
"I am as well, though I know I don't show it as well as you. I figured that most of us would be nervous considering the time limit is in less than an hour." She said with a sigh.

"Yeah...what if one of us died, what if you died. I- I don't think I would be able to go on." She broke her calm facade for a moment as her eyes widened at my statement. She quickly went back to normal but took her glove off to hold my hand again...but this time she held both.

" much as I know you care about me death is a natural thing and could happen at anytime. If I die you must learn to move on. As much as it may hurt."

I couldn't take it anymore...

"I would never move on! You are the most important thing in my life Kiri and I will always love you like my own family. You are everything to me and if you died I would be broken...I would be without my other half. You are the light in my life...that light would be diminished forever if you were you can't die! I won't let you!" I cried out in distress.


I then realized what I had done, I had just confessed to her! Oh nonononono.....

But she interrupted my thoughts by beginning to break into tears.

"I-I had no idea you felt that way about me...I love you Makoto!" She managed to get out between sobs. I gasped but swiftly wrapped my arms around her and wiped her tears. She laid her head on my shoulder and returned my hug. I then looked at her as if I were asking for permission. She noticed my glance and realized what I was doing so she nodded, tears still clouding her vision. I cupped her cheeks and gently placed my lips on hers. She kissed back softly and then pulled away with a small smile.

"I do love you..." she whispered.

I was about to reply but we then heard the announcement for the time limit.

She sighed and sat on the floor motioning me to sit beside her, I did. She laid her head on my lap and smiled at me.

"Makoto, you're stronger than you think you are the symbol of hope. My hope. T-thank you...for everything-" She said while beginning to drift off I kissed her forehead and held her tight.

"I love you Kiri."

I knew that no matter what the future held we would be okay. We were together and that was all that mattered. Even in this messed up world we made it work...and I think that's the luckiest thing of all.

703 words~

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